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ashleykaryl 08-25-2010 11:39 AM

Littlesnitch alert when superduper starts
Just recently I have noticed Little Snitch popping up with a slightly ominous looking request for automountd to connect with fakehome.dat and just realised it is showing up a couple seconds before scheduled SuperDuper! backups. Does anybody know what this is about?

dnanian 08-25-2010 12:45 PM

Well, 'automountd' is the built-in drive mounting daemon (inside OSX). It's probably trying to figure out how to route to a network drive. Doesn't look like anything to worry about to me.

ashleykaryl 08-25-2010 02:47 PM

Yes this was definitely being triggered by SuperDuper! but only on scheduled backups and never when started manually. This never used to happen in the past.

dnanian 08-25-2010 02:55 PM

We haven't changed anything here, Ashley. Really - don't worry about it: it looks to be an NFS mount probe.

Sometimes, LittleSnitch confuses more than it helps, you know?

ashleykaryl 08-25-2010 03:01 PM

I wondered if this might be something that Apple has done. A quick Google search revealed this link:

Evidently it isn't common and it doesn't sound like I need to worry but it is strange. It was the mention of root linked to fakehome which made me suspicious.

dnanian 08-25-2010 03:21 PM

Yes, I understand. We really aren't doing anything weird here, and you can examine the scheduling script (which is an applescript) if you'd like. It just seems like something new in automount.

Jeff48 12-18-2011 09:36 AM

SuperDuper! Causes Automountd to go to unexpected network drive??
Looks like I have have to bump this thread.

This morning, for the first time ever, I came to my Mac (Lion) to find that the 1:00 am scheduled SuperDuper! backup had stalled with the copy dialog on the screen and LittleSnitch saying that automountd wanted to get to on Port 111 (sunRPC)
(I have an image of the Little Snitch dialog but can't figure out how to paste it into this Web editor.)

My internet is provided by Comcast but I'm certainly not intentionally attempting to mount any network drive (only one of the local hard disks in this Mac Pro).

Trying to find out if it was indeed SuperDuper! that was initiating this behavior (since it appeared hung) I disconnected the Internet, allowed LittleSnitch to do this 1 time, and immediately SuperDuper! continued its backup in a normal manner.

However, the Console log did report the following:
12/18/11 8:54:24.951 AM SuperDuper!: Connection failed! Error - The Internet connection appears to be offline.
which does seem to make it clear that SuperDuper! was indeed trying to get to the Internet when I told Little Snitch to allow the action (but had disconnected the system from the Internet)!!! This is worrysome.

Then, when SuperDuper! was finishing the backup at:
"After Successful Copy - Restoring Spotlight state on SuperDuper Mac Pro BKP" (which is the name of the local hard disk drive backup target)

the SAME automountd Little Snitch dialog (wanting to connect to the same location!) came up and again hung SuperDuper! until I allowed it to continue. (This time I said DENY and SuperDuper! still then completed its backup with no problem.)

SO - as suggested before, SuperDuper! does seem to be triggering what appears to be inappropriate activity (there are some warnings on the Web about Port 111, as well as a few for that specific host).

How can we get to the bottom of this, please? :eek:

dnanian 12-18-2011 11:26 AM

We're not doing anything with a network connection, except for checking for updates. As you can see here, 'automountd' is what's generating that when we simply ask the system to refresh its mount points. We never talk to automountd directly. We never do anything other than check for updates, and that we do once, when we start, and only if you have check for updates turned on.

We're NOT doing ANYTHING other than that, Jeff.

Jeff48 12-18-2011 04:19 PM

Glad it's not SuperDuper. Now the mystery is what IS causing it...

Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 31231)
We're not doing anything with a network connection, except for checking for updates. As you can see here, 'automountd' is what's generating that when we simply ask the system to refresh its mount points. We never talk to automountd directly. We never do anything other than check for updates, and that we do once, when we start, and only if you have check for updates turned on.

We're NOT doing ANYTHING other than that, Jeff.

Thanks for the prompt response. I'm pleased that SuperDuper! is not directly involved.

Now of course, the question remains as to why automountd is attempting this strange network connection when SuperDuper calls automountd both at the beginning and end of an automated backup, but at no other time, (including using Disk Utility to look at all available drives which I assume also calls for a refresh of mount points.) Perhaps other readers might have some insight?

dnanian 12-18-2011 05:13 PM

This is really something you shouldn't worry about. You can find lots of information about whatever the system is doing by searching. It's just not SuperDuper! specific at all:

Jeff48 12-18-2011 06:30 PM

Indeed, NOT a SuperDuper! problem at all - it relates to OpenDNS
OK, my searching seems have borne fruit. Although a bit old, this article directly addresses the issue I described above (although relating to a different domain.)

The issue is a result of an OpenDNS action for unknown domains (as described in the article) and, it turns out, I had just enabled OpenDNS recently. Specifically, it seems that by using an OpenDNS advanced feature called Domain Typos, you can specify for OpenDNS to not send back the offending info that causes the symptom.

So, as Shirt Pocket said, NOT a SuperDuper! problem at all, but it just happened to expose a symptom of how automountd interacts with OpenDNS (and some other DNS systems.)

Thanks, all, for your assistance.

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