View Full Version : Backup to network volume without using disk images?

02-07-2007, 05:28 PM

I currenly use a concoction of rsync scripts to backup all of the house's computers and external harddrives to a single big-ass RAID box that has a single partition. Now, I'd like to use SuperDuper for scheduled incremental backups ("Smart Update") for the backups that are already there, because I *don't* feel like spending an entire weekend copying over all that data over network again. Is it possible to have SuperDuper just treat a specific folder on my network volume as a backup target volume? No disk images or anything like that, just copy the files with all my precious metadata intact.

I hope you can help me, because I can't find another good backup app for Mac, and I'm seriously tired of my rsync scripts. (FYI: Synk sucks big time!)

(My current file structure on my backup disk looks like this:

23:23:16 argon:~ nevyn$ cd /Volumes/Capitol/
23:23:20 argon:/Volumes/Capitol nevyn$ ls
Desktop DB daemons/ manual/
Desktop DF installer_files/ rsync/
23:23:21 argon:/Volumes/Capitol nevyn$ ls rsync
Argon/ Kizei/ Mist/ Rah/ SHADOW/ WIZEI/ Xithaen/
23:23:36 argon:/Volumes/Capitol nevyn$ ls rsync/Kizei
Applications/ Library/ bin/ opt/ usr/
Apps/ Network/ botlib.log private/ var@


02-07-2007, 06:34 PM
Sorry, no. We can't copy directly to a network volume because it's not possible for us to properly authorize in a way that would allow the metadata/ownership/permissions to be properly preserved...

If you use an image, though, it "appears" as a local volume, and as such can be authorized against, and everything works out great...