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dnanian 01-27-2006 09:31 AM

Hm. I don't see the difference between this and the "default" settings -- they're both settings being loaded, Nick. Could you Quit and restart SD! with the defaults again. If it does mount the volume, please remove what's already scheduled and schedule this instead. Then, quit and try the experiment again.

nickair 01-27-2006 10:03 AM

Yeeeeeeess!!!! That worked. Now I've set my Mac to wake at 4AM and SD! to start an automatic backup at 4:01AM. I'll see tomorrow if it works.
Thank you so much for your help!!!!!!!!!!

It worked on the Mac with which I created the backup over the network.
Now I have a second Mac. I created a backup with the disk attached to it. But this disk is attached to the server now. How can I make SD! recognize that the file is now on the network? Will I have to recreate a new backup over the network to make it work properly?

dnanian 01-27-2006 10:10 AM

I'm not quite sure I can parse what you've said there, Nick (other than the success -- great!). You created a backup sparseimage locally? If so, you can move it to the server, no problem, and then just set up the Mac to use that image, as you did with the other one.

nickair 01-27-2006 10:44 AM

Yes that's what I did, but it fails to mount the remote volume, just like Mac#1 did before...

dnanian 01-27-2006 10:51 AM

I think you need to go through the same steps, Nick. There shouldn't be any difference...

nickair 01-28-2006 07:39 AM

Ok, I made a new backup file over the network of Mac#2.
I think it's the easiest way to have it work like I want.

Dave, thank you very much for all your help. It works exactly the way I want. SuperDuper is the best buy I've made for quite some time!

Thanks again.
Nicolas :D

dnanian 01-28-2006 10:13 AM

You're quite welcome!

dfbackup 01-18-2007 03:16 PM

Having same issue
I am having the same issue here and can't find a solution.

System is 1.8ghz iMac PPC (10.4.8)
Network drive is a 1TB Lacie Ethernet Disk (Gigabit) with AFP

Problem is that when SD automatically launches it does not mount the drive before it tries to find the sparseimage.

When I manually load settings in SD the volume mounts before I click copy. It happens right when the settings load. If I throw away the network volume and click copy SD will not find find the sparseimage.

When SD automatically launches to do a backup it seems that the modal sheet with the coutdown prevents the loading of the network volume. When it goes on to the copy screen it fails.

If I load the network drive before SD automatically launches everything is fine.

This is repeatable.

Any ideas?

dnanian 01-18-2007 04:05 PM

What you're describing -- that when you load settings the volume mounts but doesn't when you unmount then click copy with the settings loaded -- is by design. Schedules, though, load the settings just like you did, and thus should mount as expected... they certainly do here!

dfbackup 03-28-2007 10:18 PM

I have this same issue on my two macs (PPC & Intel) with a network backup. I use this applescript to mount the drive. It opens an alias (in my ~/Library/Favorites) I have stored to the network drive. As long as you have the user and pass stored in the keychain this will require no user input. Just replace the "alias-file-name" below with the name of your alias in your favorites folder. The script will input your correct username.

set thePath to ((get path to startup disk) & "Users:" & ¬
(do shell script "echo $USER") & ¬
":Library:Favorites:alias-file-name") as string

tell application "Finder"
open alias thePath
end tell

And then I use this script to unmount it. Be sure to put the name of the network drive here, not the alias name.

tell application "Finder"
eject disk "name-of-network-disk"
end try
end tell

You can add these directly into CopyJob.applescript inside your schelduled backup package. Just don't forget to toggle the checkbox for the script inside the SuperDuper! interface to recompile the script.

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