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tgibbs 06-16-2004 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
Note that you *can* access anything that might have a shortcut by simply typing the shortcut key -- as long as that key isn't interpreted locally, thing'll open up. (Some entries, like Preferences, have two shortcuts, one hidden -- try Cmd-y .)

I understand that Universal Access allows you to add shortcuts to applications. Will this work to access more iTunes commands on the server? Forgive me for not simply trying it; I have a headless server, so doing anything on it directly is a big production.

dnanian 06-16-2004 01:17 PM

It certainly should, as long as you actually add the shortcuts on the server itself (you can't add a shortcut locally and have it work remotely).

Again, as long as the shortcut isn't to something in netTunes (or global), it will pass right through to the remote iTunes.

Clutch Cargo 09-15-2004 06:59 AM

Requests for a future version

I have bought NetTunes and am enjoying it in my house.

3 x powerbooks (Pismo, Ti, Al) on an Airport Express network.

I would LOVE for it to:

- show me what song is playing (without having to wait for the screenshot)
- have smaller menu bar buttons
- do more via the menubar (choose playlist, show previous tracks) Synergy has some good options in this area.
- be faster in the responsiveness in general over the network

But - have to say - GREAT app. Keep it up.


dnanian 09-15-2004 07:24 AM

Hi, "Clutch". (Alas, I'm old enough to know Clutch Cargo... :()

Thanks for the suggestions. We're always working to improve netTunes' responsiveness and features, and I'll add yours to the list of things to consider for future versions.

If you hover the cursor over the toolbar buttons, a tooltip will pop up with the song info. That might help you! Also, there are two sample Konfabulator widgets in the Extras directory on the DMG. One, netTunes Panel, will pop-up a translucent panel with the song information when the song changes. You might like it!

lonetrotter 10-14-2004 07:08 AM

1. Volumebar in menubar (its kind of un handy to wait for opening itunes vnc window for just changing volume - when u can flip to next track in menubar)
2. Minimized Server window (it is not nececreey having that taking desktopspace all the time. Actually, it wouldnt even have to be shown all the time. Could be a hidden preferencesthing.)

3. Posibiility of using scripts?

dnanian 10-14-2004 09:54 AM

Thanks for your comments, Lonetrotter:

- I've been considering direct volume control for a future release. In the meantime, the volume *is* accessible through scripting (check the netTunes dictionary), and I use that support in one of the Konfabulator widgets in the Extras folder.

- Unfortunately, I need to be able to 'see' the window to remote it: minimized won't work.

- Scripting is possible, but I can't 'send' the scripts remotely. I do expose some of the remote iTunes, though -- check out the dictionary for more info! (You can also use remote applescripting, of course.)

lonetrotter 10-22-2004 03:04 PM

Volume volume volume
How do I change the volume with script, without opening the "vnc"window (or the iTuneswindow)? I have searched for solutions, but have not found what you are talking about.

What about having a volume at least in the server window?

One more thing that could be handy is fast commands for 1:1 1:2 and 1:3 , maby Command+1, command+2 and command+3 or something...

I must say I am inpressed how mouch uyou seem to care about this little bbut very nice app.


Originally Posted by dnanian
- I've been considering direct volume control for a future release. In the meantime, the volume *is* accessible through scripting (check the netTunes dictionary), and I use that support in one of the Konfabulator widgets in the Extras folder.

- Unfortunately, I need to be able to 'see' the window to remote it: minimized won't work.

- Scripting is possible, but I can't 'send' the scripts remotely. I do expose some of the remote iTunes, though -- check out the dictionary for more info! (You can also use remote applescripting, of course.)

dnanian 10-22-2004 03:33 PM

The following applescript command will set the currently selected remote iTunes' volume to 50%, for example:

tell application "netTunes"
set sound volume of current server to 50
end tell

lonetrotter 10-22-2004 11:48 PM

Thanx a lot!

Now i made a folder in the doch with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% volume. That will do for a while.

Any tip at sights with this kind of info?

dnanian 10-23-2004 07:32 AM

The script dictionary has all this information in it: just open Script Editor, then choose "Open Dictionary" from the file menu. Select netTunes, and then open the netTunes Suite. You'll find all of its scripting commands right there.

I've also provided a number of example scripts and widgets in the Extras folder for you to examine, one of which -- Glossy netTunes Remote -- has a volume control.

Hope that helps!

lonetrotter 02-14-2005 04:21 PM

Thanx a lot!

Still, I must say, it would be much better to have volume connected and collected with the rest in the menubar, instead of having a clumpsy widget sucking cpu or go down to the dock to run a script.

Is it coming out any new version really? And if - about when? Any idea?

I must say, thats really the only thing i really am missing.

dnanian 02-14-2005 04:29 PM

Understood. It's one of the things I'm definitely considering for a future version...

nestawasright 09-13-2005 01:22 AM

Windows Compatiability

Originally Posted by dnanian
Alas, it's really unlikely. netTunes was written in Cocoa, and uses all sorts of features in the Cocoa frameworks. Even the networking level is done as cross-machine object messaging, and trying to implement all of that on Windows would be difficult if not impossible.

I wish I could say it would be easy, but it really wouldn't. It was never something I planned for from the get-go, and adding it at this late date is just impractical (especially considering that the sales such an effort would generate wouldn't really support the development time involved).


That makes a lot of sense and understandable. But, could you work on it so that other applications, say WinAmp, could connect to the server side of nettunes? That would be superb!!! And many many many people would be hooked on this GREAT program.

dnanian 09-13-2005 08:40 AM

Maybe I don't understand, nestawasright. If WinAmp "connected" to the netTunes server, it'd have to understand how to do so... and how to display the remote copy of iTunes. netTunes doesn't "serve" the music itself...

Perhaps what you're looking for is the ability for WinAmp to support DAAP, the iTunes streaming music protocol... that'd definitely be something for the WinAmp engineering team to take a look at. There's not much I can do without replacing it.

Or, you could just use iTunes for Windows. ;)

Break 09-14-2005 12:27 AM

I'm not exactly sure how NetTunes works as my iBook doesn't have X on it yet (just bought it), but here's what I'm looking to do:

Basically I want to be able to stream music to my iBook like you easily can with iTunes, but also be able to manipulate the library (change ID3 tags etc.) and have playcounts work.

Now I understand with NetTunes I could get music to play on my server mac (which would be a G4) from my iBook, but would the music also play on the iBook?

If not, that's what I'm looking for.

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