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fmlogue 02-07-2008 03:22 PM

Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
I downloaded SuperDuper! for Leopard with much relief and proceeded to clone my Leopard startup volume. But when I booted into the clone I ran into the same problem that I had when I tried Carbon Copy Cloner, the volume booted, but the CPU usage was up to 100% and I was unable to use the clone. Some programs unexpectedly quit, others took forever to load. Path Finder loaded but took over 5 minutes. I could not run Activity Monitor because it "Unexpectedly quit" before finishing. The clone would sort of work in safe mode and I was able to use my alternate account that has nothing installed. However I did notice a comment by Bruno_08 which mentioned prebinding. I did so using MainMenu, and voila, it worked. However just to check, I did a smart update and ran into the same problem. I had to boot into safe mode so I could run MainMenu and run prebinding. Obviously this is not a common problem, but does anyone have a clue as to what is happening?

I am running Leopard 10.5.1 on a PPC Mac Mini 1.25 GHz 1 GB and I installed Leopard on an empty partition, setting up my user account and installing all my applications from scratch.


Bruno_08 02-07-2008 03:49 PM

Hi fmlogue

You know what ?
I'm happy
I'm not alone with this problem !
I discovered that Rebuild prebindings was a
reliable solution, but i do not know why ?

Do u have Little Snitch running during the cloning ?
Had you check the Box " Repair permission on Mac HD" ?

Problem is the same on PPC and Mac Intel

I tried to quit all when i made the clone, but not Little Snitch ...
And many other Mac OS X.5 process running in the same time.
I have also 'PlugSuit" enable for Safari, a plug-in to have SafariPlus and TwiceTab active.
This work with "SIMBL" in Application Support"

I ask Dave by mail for a possible idea off what's happen , but he never see that yet.

At least ! we are 2 now.

Ps : I did a smart update and ran into the same problem also ... (solved by Rebuilding prebindings on he clone booted)

(Clones mades on LaCie and Iomega 2.5 HD FireWire 400)

fmlogue 02-07-2008 06:00 PM

Re: Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
Well, Bruno_08, I also had Little Snitch running And I have PlugSuit installed to allow me to use TextExtras. Do you think one of these is responsible? I guess I will have to test when I have time. Maybe I should run SuperSuper! in safe mode.


Bruno_08 02-07-2008 06:36 PM

I don't know.
This perhaps a runway
It is amazing anyway, many of us are using Little Snitch. (V 2.0.2)
We have to test it to be sure, one by one ...
I noticed that Little Snitch does not kept the User defined rules on the clone ...

I don't know if Dave know something about Little Snitch and Plug Suit issue with SD 2.5 ?

Keep us posted.

dnanian 02-07-2008 06:39 PM

Sorry, no -- I don't.

Bruno_08 02-09-2008 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17198)
Well, Bruno_08, I also had Little Snitch running And I have PlugSuit installed to allow me to use TextExtras. Do you think one of these is responsible? I guess I will have to test when I have time. Maybe I should run SuperSuper! in safe mode.


Do you use CamXav ? (V 1.1.0 (177)

fmlogue 02-09-2008 09:21 PM

Re: Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
Yes I have ClamXav installed, but I have not run it in a while.


Bruno_08 02-10-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17310)
Yes I have ClamXav installed, but I have not run it in a while.



Have a look here

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 04:07 AM

Well, the update 10.5.2, did not solved anything here.

I just make a Smart Update, and I always have to do a rebuild prebinding as i had discovered the first time.

fmlogue, do you have a HP scanner ? As far as I am concerned, there is a Background process that I suspect :
"HP Scanjet Manager"

Bruno still under investigation with not much help ...

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 17432)
Guys, let's try this. Please create a new copy script, include "Backup - all files", and then add a command to ignore


Save that and use it as the copy script ("using" - 3rd pop-up), and Smart Update your backup. Does it then boot as expected?

Thanks Dave

But, How do i do that ??

"Please create a new copy script, include "Backup - all files", and then add a command to ignore"

dnanian 02-12-2008 10:07 AM

See the User's Guide - "Excluding files and folders from a backup".

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 11:08 AM

Well, Dave, I just try with this new script, it does not work.

There was however change:

The clone boot smoothly, all the applications "unexpectly quit as usual", I have a "heavy CPU load as usual". So, as usual, I run the only application that responds, "Leopard Cache Cleaner" and attempted to Rebuild Prebinding:

The difference is that the prebinding is not, or in any case is hyper fast (1 sec) in contrast 3 minutes usual.

I reboot, same worries.

It is something else ... :\

dnanian 02-12-2008 11:15 AM

Hm. After the backup runs, please check the destination volume to see if /Volumes/the-backup/private/var/db/dyld is empty.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 12:06 PM

I just re-Smart Update with the script modified thus:

Yes dyld's contents of the back-up is empty. :\

I do not want to drop the case, it must be well hidden and more than with the dynamic linker ...

dnanian 02-12-2008 01:04 PM

OK. No other "easy" ideas at present, but we'll continue to look into it. Doesn't happen here, though.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 01:13 PM


In the meantime, Dave, can you tell me, if you like, how I can integrate with a script SD shell prebinding rebuild ? (I am not very good and every smart update I must return the command in the terminal: \

Sudo update_prebinding-root "/ Volumes / Macintosh HD_clone" Force

Thank you !

dnanian 02-12-2008 01:15 PM

I'm trying to put this together for people. Stand by.

fmlogue 02-12-2008 01:25 PM

No, I don't have an HP scanner. I probably have other background processes running..A whole host, if I look at Activity Monitor, don't know which one might be the culprit.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 17458)
I'm trying to put this together for people. Stand by.

Thanks Dave.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17459)
No, I don't have an HP scanner. I probably have other background processes running..A whole host, if I look at Activity Monitor, don't know which one might be the culprit.


fmlogue, have u try the Dave's first idea on this issue 11 messages above ?

dnanian 02-12-2008 01:37 PM

There's a new thread with a little script attached -- take a look there.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 02:53 PM


I try it and tell you the result :)

fmlogue 02-12-2008 04:03 PM

I just did a smart update while booted into safe mode, no difference, still had to do the prebinding, then on reboot into the clone, everything was hunky dory. Bruno_8, didn't try the script since it didn't help you. I have Linotype FontExplorer running, do you think that might be the culpert, I think it was running even though I figured safe boot disabled all such stuff.

dnanian 02-12-2008 04:11 PM

See the other post mentioned, which should work (and did for Bruno).

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17467)
I just did a smart update while booted into safe mode, no difference, still had to do the prebinding, then on reboot into the clone, everything was hunky dory. Bruno_8, didn't try the script since it didn't help you. I have Linotype FontExplorer running, do you think that might be the culpert, I think it was running even though I figured safe boot disabled all such stuff.

I do not use FontExplorer ...

It must be something more vicious ...

As Dave said, see the other post, Dave gave us a script that works with the fire of God, in waiting to find the culprit to the matter before us.

PS : Also, it may be worthwhile if you have the time to test the first idea of Dave, if it worked for you, then we would have there another way of thinking because, after all, must be our configuration differences ..

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