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MadCow 03-17-2009 05:56 PM

Using SuperDuper to copy time machine from external hard drive to time capsule

I've been using directions to copy my time machine backups from an external firewire drive to my new time capsule that I found here:

It's seems like all is well and good so far, however, the 80GB or so of backups I have on my external drive are turning into about 130GB or so of space being taking up on the time capsule by the transfer. I'm wondering what is going on, am I doing something wrong? Thanks!!

dnanian 03-17-2009 06:03 PM

You're sure you're using v2.5?

MadCow 03-17-2009 06:08 PM

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the quick response. I just checked and am using v2.5, just downloaded it yesterday.

MadCow 03-17-2009 06:14 PM

Well, superduper just completed the transfer and the reading of my GB available just jumped by 40GB. I guess everything's okay.

dnanian 03-17-2009 06:25 PM

Sounds like it. :)

jbbranning 08-13-2009 06:57 PM

Moving a Time Machine Backup to a Time Capsule
I also used the instructions found on the Unlikely Words site and copied about 280 MB from an external drive to a Time Capsule. However, I have not been able to backup to the time Capsule. Do I have to do something to the sparse bundle file to get it to work? Or, do I just do it all over again? Thanks.

Jack Branning

dnanian 08-13-2009 08:17 PM

I'm not sure what the question is asking here. Did you get an error?

jbbranning 08-13-2009 10:19 PM

I got a Time Machine message saying "Backup Failed" and the Time Machine Error message said: "Could not mount volume."

Jack Branning

dnanian 08-13-2009 10:23 PM

Sounds like, perhaps, a corrupted image and/or failed network connection...?

jbbranning 08-14-2009 02:16 PM

Thanks. I guess I'll do it over again.

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