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Dewdman42 06-05-2012 06:25 PM

How to mountain AFP for backup target?
I can't seem to figure out how to get SuperDuper to automatically mount a remove AFP share for the purpose of doing a smartupdate to a bundle there.

How can we cause superduper to mount the AFP share ahead of time, then umount it after; while doing the smart update not to the entire share, but to a sparse bundle that is saved there?

dnanian 06-05-2012 10:38 PM

It'll certainly mount it (note that, on Lion, you may need to copy your Keychain entry from the local to the system keychain), but it won't unmount the share.

Dewdman42 06-06-2012 12:00 AM

Im' on SL, but I can't get it to mount at all. ??

dnanian 06-06-2012 09:06 AM

You have your credentials for the mount stored in the keychain?

Dewdman42 06-06-2012 02:33 PM

well I think so since I don't have to provide any credentials to mount the drive from finder. how would I know for sure?

dnanian 06-06-2012 03:16 PM

OK. So, delete the schedule you have. In the main window, reselect the image or bundle in the "Disk Image..." pop-up (even if it's grey), making sure to set the image type properly.

Reschedule for a minute or two from "now".

Quit SD! and wait to see what happens.

Dewdman42 06-07-2012 12:19 AM

well I tried that several times and its not mounting the AFP volume. This is the log:


| 10:12:57 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Preparing mbp-dewd-10-6-full
| 10:12:57 PM | Info |      Finished verify/repair permissions on disk0s2 Boot
| 10:12:57 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Mounting mbp-dewd-10-6-full
| 10:12:57 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Preparing mbp-dewd-10-6-full
| 10:12:59 PM | Info |      hdiutil: create failed - No such file or directory
| 10:12:59 PM | Error | ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=22 (Unknown error: 0)

If I manually mount the AFP volume first, then the backup runs fine.

Is there a way I can add something to the actual scheduled script to make sure the volume will be mounted? I am able to mount the volume from finder without having to supply any credentials, so I guess it must be in the keychain.

dnanian 06-07-2012 08:03 AM

We resolve an alias to the image file, and that should automatically mount the network volume (it certainly does here). The mount happens when the settings are loaded, actually, NOT when Copy now is pressed.

You're sure you did this scheduled (where it would actually load settings), and not by simply clicking Copy Now (where the settings are already loaded, and thus wouldn't mount)?

Dewdman42 06-07-2012 01:50 PM

yes I set the schedule and completely exited SD to make sure that it would do what it was supposed to. It launches SD on the appointed time, loads the settings, but the AFP volume is never mounted. It does the first part of checking perms on the source volume, then fails while trying to find the sparse bundle, since the AFP vol is not mounted

dnanian 06-07-2012 02:17 PM

I don't have an answer for you. I don't know why resolving the alias wouldn't mount the volume. But - you can use a small AppleScript application to mount the volume before the schedule fires if you want - just set that up, then schedule an iCal alarm to run the little program just before the schedule is set to go.

Dewdman42 06-07-2012 02:22 PM

Yea I can do it with launchd, no problem. I just wanted to make sure SD can't do it first. Thanks

Dewdman42 06-07-2012 03:48 PM

one question though, is it possible for me to launch a backup job myself from launchd instead of relying on SD scheduler? Somehow launch SD, load settings, start backup, all from external applescript, so that I can mount the AFP before and unmount after?

dnanian 06-07-2012 04:03 PM

You can look at how we're doing backup on mount...

Dewdman42 06-07-2012 04:14 PM

I don't understand

dnanian 06-07-2012 04:15 PM

Schedule a backup on mount and look at what we're doing in launchd...

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