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dnanian 02-12-2008 01:34 PM

Leopard backup boots, but apps crash? Try this.
1 Attachment(s)
On some systems, Leopard is using incorrect "prebinding" information after starting up from a copy, and this is causing some applications to crash. If you're one of the people affected, the attached will resolve the issue.

To use it, do the following:
  1. Unzip the attached to a convenient location (not your Desktop - I recommend an "Applications" folder in your Home folder).
  2. Set the "" script that gets unzipped a the "After copy" script in the Advanced tab of Options.
Let me know if that helps.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 03:22 PM

OK Dave,


It work.

In waiting to find really what's wrong in this issue, thanks for the script.

This proves once again the seriousness of the team of SuperDuper! and the monitoring of its customers :)

Ps : I noted that little Snitch loses all rules when I apply this script.
I do not know if that is helpful in the matter before us, and if there is a causal connection

fmlogue 02-12-2008 06:48 PM

It works. Thanks Dave. I guess it is important that you find out what is causing this, but until you do, since the fix gives me a bootable clone, that is all that I need,

greengrass 02-20-2008 12:03 PM


Can you clarify which systems need this script? I'd rather not run it if I don't need it but on the other hand, I'd rather not discover after a HD failure that I can't run from an SD clone.

If the script is generally required, do you plan to incorporate it into a future upgrade of SD?

dnanian 02-20-2008 12:08 PM

It doesn't hurt to use it: since we don't know what Macs seem to need it and what don't, and it doesn't hurt anything, we're going to add the same functionality into the next update.

fmlogue 02-21-2008 02:26 PM

greengrass, just restart from your clone to see if you need this script. I fail to understand why some one would not check out the clone, but wait it is needed to see if it actually works? Seems that would not be a good time to discover that you cannot use your backup copy. But that is just my opinion.

dechamp 02-26-2008 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17836)
greengrass, just restart from your clone to see if you need this script. I fail to understand why some one would not check out the clone, but wait it is needed to see if it actually works? Seems that would not be a good time to discover that you cannot use your backup copy. But that is just my opinion.

The problem is two fold. "some systems" and "some applications" are different criteria. My clones boot and seem to work well. So I consider SuperDuper a great success.

But, without knowing which applications are failing, I would need to test every application? My Applications folder shows 131 items with several folders containing multiple applications. I could actually test these programs from a booted clone, but I add new programs regularly, and would then have to test each new program to see if it will work from a clone?

I also have extensive rules set up with Little Snitch. Is there a problem with getting these rules to work on my backup?

My weekly scheduled backups are designed to be used on a regular basis as a working machine. I use an external 500 GB FW800 drive to boot from in the office, and clone what I need to my Laptop's internal 160 GB drive when I'm on the road. This seems to work perfectly as the programs and files I need on-site are there, and up to date. I'm just hoping the programs will actually work when needed.

fmlogue 02-26-2008 04:04 PM

The problem shows up the first time you boot the clone. The CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there. On my system, Hardware Growler and Super Get Info, which are set to run at setup, quit unexpectedly, and I cannot get Activity Monitor to run, it also quits unexpectedly after loading for over 5 minutes. These symptoms are a clue that the clone is unusable. I don't see that you need to test every application to see if they all run properly, it is obvious when you boot the clone if it is unusable, then, if you run prebinding and all is well, I would surmise that you have the answer to the question.

ehofmeister 04-15-2008 02:34 PM

Sparse image question

I have my wife's MacBook Pro backed up using sparse images as I prefer the ability to save various backup images side by side instead of dedicating an entire backup disk to a clone.

My question is this: is there a way to apply the fix-script to the sparse images I have already made - I cannot test the sparse images without erasing the harddrive in the MacBook Pro, so I don't know if the problem applies to her machine or setup.

Is it simply a matter of running the script after the backup image has been restored, or is the only way to apply it through the "run after" option in Super Duper?

dnanian 04-15-2008 05:23 PM

You can run the command inside the script from Terminal after you've created the backup, if you'd like. (The script is a text file, so you can see the command.)

ehofmeister 04-16-2008 04:28 PM

Do you mean that I should run the script on the MacBook Pro after I have restored the backup from the image? I've just tried running the script from Terminal on my Mac Pro as a test - it says this in return:

"update_dyld_shared_cache failed: you must be root to run this tool"

I was logged in as Admin, but I know that that is different from Root - I'm not very much into terminal or commands, but I've heard a little of the "sodu" command, do I have to combine that to temporarily gain Root-access while running the script?

I just pasted the following into terminal:

if [ -e "$4/System" ]; then
echo "Updating prebinding on $3..."
update_prebinding -root "$4" -force

Thanks for the help (-:

dnanian 04-16-2008 06:14 PM

You'll do:

sudo update_prebinding -root "/Volumes/the-drive-name" -force

It'll prompt for your password.

fl0 04-19-2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 17462)
On some systems, Leopard is using incorrect "prebinding" information after starting up from a copy, and this is causing some applications to crash. If you're one of the people affected, the attached will resolve the issue.

To use it, do the following:
  1. Unzip the attached to a convenient location (not your Desktop - I recommend an "Applications" folder in your Home folder).
  2. Set the "" script that gets unzipped a the "After copy" script in the Advanced tab of Options.
Let me know if that helps.

Hm the problem here is, I cannot run the terminal/bash because it is broken too...What to do now?

dnanian 04-19-2008 01:39 PM

The above doesn't require you to run Terminal.

fl0 04-19-2008 03:19 PM

How to start a shell script with sudo privileges without a shell?
(sorry i'm a unix'er)

BTW: My SD also doesn't I cannot use the "after copy" option.

Should I make a new backup (in my running system) and include the script?

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