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Keebler 03-19-2006 09:40 AM

Can SD do the following?
Hi Folks,

I'm a long time retrospect user looking to switch to SDuper, given its awesome reviews and what appears to be a very friendly UI.

Before I make the plunge, I have a few quick, important questions:
1. Can i configure SD to configure specific folders on multiple drives (all on 1 Mac). Would this be in the SmartUpdate I keep hearing about?

2. Can I configure the smartupdate to delete files from my backup which are/were erased from my specified folders? for example, I'm using Retrospect to bup my Iphoto and Itunes. When I make changes to files within Itunes (ie. by adding album artwork etc)..., Retro treats the changed file like a 'new' file, therefore duplicating the files and sucking up valuable HD space. In essence, my backup set is not identical to my original folders.

Thanks in advance. I downloaded the trial version, but since i can't access the smartupdate until I pay for a full version, i'm trying to find the answers. I realize it's only $30, but i'm on a limited budget so i need to know before I buy.


dnanian 03-19-2006 09:58 AM

Hi, Keebler. I'm not sure what you mean in question 1: "configure specific folders on multiple drives (all on 1 Mac)"... huh?

Smart Update definitely removes files from the destination that are removed from the source. See the pretty thorough description of how it -- and the other "During copy" methods -- work in the User's Guide.

Hope that helps!

Keebler 03-19-2006 10:01 AM

Hi Dave,

Sorry for the confusion.

Here is what I mean:

I have 3 or 4 folders, on 2 internal HDs:
1. Iphoto is on HD A
2. Itunes is on HD B
3. Album artwork is on HD B

Can I choose all 3 to be backed up to the same folder? I'll d-check the user's guide as you suggested just in case. I'm a putz for not thinking of looking there too.

Thanks :)

dnanian 03-19-2006 10:10 AM

Ah. Well, they can, but not in a way that would delete other items. In general, I'd suggest a 1:1 ratio between source and destination volumes. You want to dedicate the volume to the purpose of backing up, not mix things up.

Note that you can also use a sparse image to store a volume in a file that can be placed in a folder. The 'guide has info on that, too.

Keebler 03-19-2006 10:17 AM

i'll check into it

Originally Posted by dnanian
Ah. Well, they can, but not in a way that would delete other items. In general, I'd suggest a 1:1 ratio between source and destination volumes. You want to dedicate the volume to the purpose of backing up, not mix things up.

Note that you can also use a sparse image to store a volume in a file that can be placed in a folder. The 'guide has info on that, too.

Thanks Dave. I'll check into the sparse image idea. I know my methods may seem weird, but there is a madness...the madness of my backup HD being smaller than my source HD. doh! I end up using the source for other stuff, when I shouldn't, but can't help it. one day, I may just learn to smarten up :)

dnanian 03-19-2006 10:27 AM

Backup drives are pretty cheap these days -- if you value your time, and the hassle you put yourself through to get this to work, you might find that the $100 or so you'll have to spend to get something of sufficient size is a bargain! :)

Keebler 03-19-2006 12:19 PM

oh i know :)
Thanks Dave. Yup. I agree with the HD purchase. I have 6 externals, but they're all used. i may score another one very soon.
thanks for all your help. i appreciate it.

dnanian 03-19-2006 12:25 PM

No problem at all, and best of luck.

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