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royemans 01-28-2008 04:41 AM

Timeframe issue
Dave, i would be a happy camper if you could just confirm if we are talking days,weeks or months for the Leopard update.....
I am too facing serious deadlines ( pro photographer ) and i know the burden of it but it would be a good thing if you could enlighten us with rough timeframe on this update.
Either way i am and will be a client because SD shaves hours off my time to backup my photo collection.

justG 01-28-2008 11:36 AM

Previous requests for an ETA have resulted in a "when it's ready" response. Your best bet is to keep up with the blog.

davebarnes 01-28-2008 12:20 PM

And, the blog was last updated 1 week ago with "If my new idea works, this will hopefully only delay things a few days".

I was hoping for another blog entry today.

justflybob 01-28-2008 06:21 PM

davebarnes - you might want to read the existing blog. Dave N. did respond today with an update.

mac-10 01-28-2008 06:43 PM

There isn't an update to the Blog. If you mean a comment in response to other comments on the week old blog, whatever...

I've been being patient. I check back each day for the notification.

My guess, and I'm sure everyone will come back and tell me wrong (but I'm used to that) is that it is somehow tied to 10.5.2. and releasing it BEFORE 10.5.2 would be a violation of the Apple Developer contract non-disclosure agreement. That means that Dave gets blamed for Apple stalling 10.5.2.

I'm looking forward to a new version, I feel sorry for Dave; but at the same time I feel that I have been more than understanding and 10.5 was in the hands of developers for a long time before Oct. I'd be curious to know how stuff that's holding it up this long came as a surprise in Oct. (maybe its related to new stuff TimeMachine is going to do over remote disks. That's more rhetorical, I know I have no right to know Dave's business and if I really _wanted_ to know I have an ADC login and friends at Apple who could probably just tell me any changes in the filesystem or file handling.)

I really like SuperDuper! so I guess I'll wait...


dnanian 01-28-2008 06:54 PM

It's important to remember that we can only do our general engineering and internal testing before things are released to the public. I've tried to discuss this in some detail on the blog, but external testing -- which expands to over 100 "real users" -- can only commence once real users have the OS version -- that is, the day of release.

On top of that, changes made to the OS between the final "developer" build and the final release are often significant, and thus you cannot responsibly release before that's in hand.

In our case, once it was in hand -- day and date when it was available to others -- we started our external tests. Issues that arose during that testing, and those that were encountered by people using 2.1.4 under Leopard, are what caused the delay. It's not Apple's "fault": it's just how things are.

TMay 01-28-2008 06:57 PM


Well, I won't tell you you are wrong about the other stuff, but I do think -- in fact, I'm pretty sure -- that you are wrong on one point, that being your statement that "10.5 was in the hands of developers for a long time before Oct." I am quite sure that they (developers) got 10.5 final/master at the same time that the public did.

(Oops, this was posted on top of Dave's.)

mac-10 01-28-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by TMay (Post 16839)

Well, I won't tell you you are wrong about the other stuff, but I do think -- in fact, I'm pretty sure -- that you are wrong on one point, that being your statement that "10.5 was in the hands of developers for a long time before Oct." I am quite sure that they (developers) got 10.5 final/master at the same time that the public did.

"Final/Master" they have maybe a week or two before it hit public hands; but the VAST majority of features and architecture for things like this are in WAY before the "final/master".


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