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tdsg 01-08-2006 06:16 PM

Sandbox won't recognize previous users & passwords
Thank you for SuperDuper! It has allowed me to easily solve an otherwise most vexing problem: Installing an OS9 system folder from the original system disc on an existing PowerBook running 10.4.3 without losing all of my applications and user data. All of you SuperDuper SuperUsers probably wouldn't think twice about how to accomplish this, but as a novice SuperDuperUser, I was stumped until the third trip through the user manual.

However, the real point of this post is this: I followed, to the best of my ability, the suggested procedure to set up a Sandbox on my newly-partitioned hard drive, but when I attempt to boot from the Sandbox partition (I used "Sandbox shared users and applications") after the OS loads, the screen displays a pane requiring a User and Password. However, none of my existing users or passwords will allow me to log in. (I have five users: two administrators and three standard, but the Sandbox boot will not recognize any of them) I've tried all of my normal fixes: caps lock key, etc, but to no avail. I subsequently performed a Smart Update to the Sandbox, but the situation has not improved. I went throught the user manual one more time, but couldn't find where I might have gone wrong.

Any suggestions? In the mean time, the PowerBook boots just fine from the standard MacintoshHD: ll the applications work and all five users are accessible.


dnanian 01-08-2006 07:05 PM

Hm. It sounds like you might have a bad Netinfo database, tdsg. Drop me a note @ the support email address and I'll send along a potential fix for you.

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