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Mani 04-10-2009 04:17 PM

MacBook Air / iMac image problem reboot different wallpaper and screensaver!!??

I´m using SuperDuper! for the first time. I made a full backup with SuperDuper! (6 times) from my iMac 3.06 GHz 4GB Mac Os X 10.5.6 on my new 500GB Western Digital external HD. USB 2.0

I tried to reboot my MacBook Air 1gen 1.6 GHz 2GB with the finished bootable image from my iMac and I noticed that there was after I succesfully rebooted from my 500GB WD HD I had a different wallpaper and screensaver on my MacBook Air!!??:confused:

I tried also to reboot the image from my WD-HD (iMac Backup) on 2 MacBook Pros, 1 Axitron MoodBook, and another MacBook Air. I just had the different background and screensaver on both MacBook Airs.

Did I lose files with SuperDuper! ? How safe is SuperDuper?

Please help!

THX Mani

dnanian 04-10-2009 04:30 PM

The wallpaper and screen saver are "Host Specific" settings in OSX, and since you changed Macs, they're going to be different first time up.

Mani 04-10-2009 04:39 PM


What do you mean by ""Host Specific" ? I start from the CLONE Harddrive on several Computers - everything is like on the genuine computer on every other mac. Only my Macbook air starts up and has a different background and screensaver. I even tried second macbook air same different background and screensaver. Just curious WHY??

THX Mani

dnanian 04-10-2009 04:59 PM

Because it's got a different MAC address, so the preferences are host specific. They're stored by machine, basically.

Mani 04-10-2009 05:11 PM

THX for your fast reply!

That cannot be true - my macbook pro has also a different mac address and shows the background photo from the genuine harddrive. The program does just not work perfect on the macbook air.

dnanian 04-10-2009 06:15 PM

This is true in my experience. I don't know why you're seeing different behavior, but perhaps because the MBAir has a different display resolution it's acting a bit differently. But SD! works just fine on the MBAir - I test with one here.

If it works with other Macs, the drive is copied properly...

Mani 04-10-2009 08:00 PM

Did you make a SD! Backup from an iMac etc. and reboot that image on your MacBook Air like I did? Did you get the same wallpaper on both (iMac etc. and the MacBook Air)?

It can´t be the display resolution! I get the right Wallpaper and Screensaver also when I reboot at my Macbook 13´ but just not on my 2 MacBook Airs!!?. The MacBook and the MacBook Air have the same resolution!

Any other ideas?

dnanian 04-10-2009 10:11 PM

Yes, I did, and got default wallpaper when booting from a MBAir.

There's nothing "special" about a MacBook Air, in general terms, that would cause the same image to work on a MacBook Pro and "not" on a MacBook Air, other than the fact that it has a different number of network interfaces (that is, a MBAir doesn't have a hardwired ethernet interface).

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