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polymathic 04-09-2005 01:17 PM

Feature Suggestion: automount/unmount

First, thanks for creating this great cloning app. It's very nice and easy and reliable.

Aside from greater scheduling features (including wake from sleep) that I hope to see in 2.0, I was hoping for an automount/unmount feature. Many of us use partitioned firewire external drives as part of our backup strategy, and to avoid unnecessary access to the firewire drive, and to further protect my clones, using Disk Utility I unmount my partition after the clone is done, then I remount it (with Disk Utility) before updating my clone.

Couldn't SD2 automatically mount a selected partition, do a smartupdate, then unmount it? This in conjunction with a more advanced scheduling feature with wake from sleep would make SD absolutely ideal for me.


dnanian 04-09-2005 04:30 PM

Thanks for the suggestions, polymathic. I can't guarantee that wake from sleep is going to be in v2.0, actually: it's possible, but not guaranteed. (You can, of course, use Energy Saver's own feature to achieve this, should it be critical to you.)

Mounting/unmounting is something that we've looked at. We automatically mount disk images, but don't yet unmount; the Alias Manager -- which we use to achieve this -- seems to have bugs in it and it doesn't mount local drives. But, setting the drive to spin down should achieve what you want in terms of 'wear and tear': why actually unmount it?

polymathic 04-09-2005 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
Why actually unmount it?

An unmounted drive won't be accessed or tinkered with accidentally, adding more security. But my main reason is, when these drives are mounted, sometimes simply using the Finder, or opening Disk Utility, kicks the firewire HD into a new spin. Once unmounted, however, I don't hear from the drive again -- which means there is less wear and tear (and less noise). So, in my dream setting, my clone would only mount for smartupdates, then unmount.

dnanian 04-09-2005 08:57 PM

Understood. I haven't found this to be a problem here, but I understand the concern.

We'll see what we can do as things progress. Thanks for the suggestions & support!

kbradnam 04-11-2005 12:47 PM


The lack of mounting/unmounting external drives was a bit of an issue for me too. I fixed this by amending the backup applescripts to automatically mount the backup drive if it was not mount and then unmount it when finished.

To do this I prepend the following to the start of my daily bakck up script (assumes your backup disk is called 'local backup'):

property diskname : "local backup"

tell application "Finder"
if not (exists the disk diskname) then
do shell script "diskutil mount `disktool -l | grep 'local backup' | sed 's/.*\\(disk[0-9s]*\\).*/\\1/'`"
delay 1
end if
end tell

delay 2

Then I add the following at the end of the script.

tell application "Finder"
if (exists the disk "local backup") then
eject "local backup"
delay 2
end if
delay 2

Hope this helps.


sjk 04-12-2005 01:46 AM

Also see this post for a simplified example of using diskutil instead of disktool to get the device node for a volume.

For reasons like polymathic described, I cast my vote in favor of adding an option to automatically detach/eject volumes after a success cloning. Hopefully that qualifies within the KISS philosophy for adding SD! features. :)

macfeller 04-12-2005 11:41 AM

I, too, would like this, or similar feature.
I wrote a standalone script to unmount my backup because I just feel better knowing it's gone. Said volume is a partition on a two partioned external forewire drive. I don't do automatic/scheduled backups. I do backup daily, at least, but am on a PowerBook and often don't have the drive mounted at all. And then when it is I'd rather not have the BU partion mounted.

So, for me, under Options>Upon completion, merely having to tick Unmount ______ Volume would suffice.

I gotta get a handle on this scripting thang! Tiny standalone stuff in Script Editor works fine.

NickSloan 02-06-2006 06:58 AM


To do this I prepend the following to the start of my daily bakck up script (assumes your backup disk is called 'local backup'):

property diskname : "local backup"

tell application "Finder"
if not (exists the disk diskname) then
do shell script "diskutil mount `disktool -l | grep 'local backup' | sed 's/.*\\(disk[0-9s]*\\).*/\\1/'`"
delay 1
end if
end tell

delay 2

Then I add the following at the end of the script.

tell application "Finder"
if (exists the disk "local backup") then
eject "local backup"
delay 2
end if
delay 2

I had a couple of problems with these script additions. In the first place, I think there is a missing "end tell" in the second one, no?

More confusingly however, the first one would not compile for me, complaining about beginning with "property": 'Expected "end" but found "property".' If I take out the first line (property diskname : "local backup") and just replace both "diskname" and "local backup" with the name of the actual disk I want to mount/unmount, it seems to work fine. What am I missing here?

Syzygies 02-08-2006 09:20 AM

I posted this a couple of weeks ago: A strategy for managing SD! jobs via AppleScript

There's a tension in any similar question to this: It is very appealing to say "use this line", so most posts on any forum are of such a form, but then one ends up with a solution that for various reasons works only 90% of the time. A 50 line solution such as my post stands a far better chance of working all of the time, with all the gotchas ironed out, but such solutions generally scare most people off.

There are several reasons to want to unmount backup volumes. The delays in spinning them back up for every "open" or "save" command from an application are very annoying. Sure, this is terrible OS code, the OS should cache enough information about spun down drives to implement "lazy" access, only spinning them up if the user explicitly visits one. But, hey, the OS isn't written that way.

Another reason is security: An unmounted drive can't get hosed as easily.

dnanian 02-08-2006 09:51 AM

Ah, don't be discouraged (I see that you edited the post to remove that part, but still) -- people tend to not search... and I didn't respond to point to it because, frankly, I thought you would! :)

Julia Truchsess 04-01-2006 12:42 PM

Adding another vote for auto mount/unmount
I also keep my backup drive unmounted for noise and integrity reasons. I don't want an Applescript solution, I have enough gizmos and processes running on this machine, the fewer the better. If DiskUtility can mount and unmount volumes at will then SD should be able to, too.

dnanian 04-01-2006 02:56 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, Julia.

bethri 04-17-2006 08:12 AM

Another vote
I'll add my vote to the mount/unmount request. I'm trying to use some funky shell scripting at the moment, and would prefer not to have to.


Bagelturf 04-17-2006 10:47 PM

Yes! Add mount/unmount please
With a firewire disk attached all the time mount before back up and unmount after is a huge help. I run a scheduled smart backup early in the morning so that by the time I need the computer it is done. But to do that I have to leave the FW drive on and mounted. Leaving it on is fine, but I don't want to have it mounted all the time:

1) Drive spin ups on dialogs
2) Can get written on
3) Might confuse anyone who is using the machine (icon is the same as the original)
4) Don't want to accidently run any apps on it or save anything to it

macmeister 11-02-2006 10:01 AM

Another Vote for automount and unmount
I'm cloning my main drive to a local drive daily because it's simply very fast. Strange how network volumes are easier to mount than a local. Please add a local drive mounting feature, or let me know how this can be done.

I even setup shell scripts to mount and unmount before and after, but that won't work because SuperDuper won't run them if the volume is unavailable.

For anyone interested, these are the shell scripts to mount and unmount respectively (.sh may be necessary for naming, but not sure):

disktool -l | egrep -i "Mountpoint = '', fsType = 'hfs', volName = '.*Backup_G5_160" | cut -d\' -f2 | xargs -n1 disktool -m

disktool -l | egrep -i "Mountpoint = '/Volumes/.*Backup_G5_160" | cut -d\' -f2 | xargs -n1 disktool -p


BTW: The unmount script works when completed if it's already mounted.
Solution: Can the SuperDuper man allow the shell script to run before the backup process looks for the volume? That's it. Better yet, in the future, simply have SuperDuper fire off these scripts behind the scenes! ;)

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