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Dan Lester 08-13-2018 09:48 PM

why can't SuperDuper do a fit check?
Diddly little complaint here on a wonderful product, but why oh why can't SuperDuper check to see that the volume it is trying to copy will fit in the partition that it is being copied to? My disk volume was a little bigger than I thought it was, and I started a SD copy. After a half hour of copying, right near the end, boom! Red flags! No can do! (Reason unspecified.) I tried it a few times, and the same thing happened each time. FINALLY I looked at the sizes, and realized that it wouldn't fit. Oops. SuperDuper only realizes that near the end of the copy when it can't see any more room on the partition.

I bumped up the partition size, and then it all worked.

Now, I can see the size of the partition that I'm copying to, and I can see the size of the volume I'm trying to copy. (Well, at least I should see those.) Why can't SuperDuper do that, and tell me before I even try to start a copy that there is a size problem? (Yeah, OK, because it thinks us operators are halfway intelligent ...)

dnanian 08-14-2018 07:21 AM

We already do. The "What's going to happen" section will tell you if it's clear the data might not fit.

But, because we don't know what your copy script might or might not copy, nor do we know exactly what's on the drive and what the effect of the copy method might do, it's a crude approximation.

To "really" tell you, we'd have to simulate the entire copy...and that would take nearly as long as a typical copy..

Note, too, that the reason for a failure is specified - it's in the log. (And we give the sizes of the volumes in the pop-ups.)

Dan Lester 08-17-2018 09:08 AM

Thanks, Dave. But as I said, SuperDuper TRIED to copy my slightly oversized volume, until it got to the end and realized that it couldn't. Also, it just took a minute for me to look at the partition size on my copy disk, and look at the size of my volume that I was trying to copy onto that partition to realize that I was going to have a problem.

I didn't notice any cautionary message in "What's going to happen", so I can't say it wasn't there, but if I understand you correctly, "What's going to happen" is supposed to say that nope, you can't copy this volume onto this partition, but hey, if you want, we'll try it anyway?

dnanian 08-17-2018 09:12 AM

Correct. It tried, because it doesn't know it's not going to work: the script, which selects files, and the copy method, may allow it to work.

We warn you that it might -- MIGHT -- not work.

It doesn't say "you can't". It tries to give you the information needed to make an informed decision.

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