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Estuary 02-10-2021 10:09 AM

Reverting to v3.2.5
Have you received any user feedback yet as to using v3.2.5 under Big Sur? I'm concerned about whether disc permissions are an issue. Are users finding the downgrade successful?

dnanian 02-10-2021 10:33 AM

It works great, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it! Permissions are not an issue: everything's copied as expected.

xrsteve 02-11-2021 03:36 PM

My Experience: A back up limited to a subset of "user files"
My Set Up: Late 2014 MacBook Pro (Intel) and Big Sur 11.2

I used "AppCleaner" to remove SuperDuper 3.3.1 and all associate files -- I didn't want there to be any confusion in my Applications folder.

From the Shirt-Pocket home page, I followed Dave's instructions and installed version 3.2.5. I wanted to register v.3.2.5 at, but had already deleted its serial number and the purchase confirmation email. Dave advised me to use the serial number from v.3.1.1 -- this worked seamlessly.

In my experience, v.3.2.5 ran completely as expected.

Using a custom script, I successfully used Smart Update to back up my personal Desktop, Documents and Downloads folders to a couple of 32GB USB3.0 thumb drives. (One thumb drive stays with me, and the other stays in a drawer.)

P.S. My last back up of "all files" (to an external thunderbolt HDD) was done under the Catalina OS. I have not yet attempted to back up "all files" under Big Sur, but will do so after applying the 11.2.1 macOS update. Good luck.

ctucker10 02-19-2021 11:38 PM

I'm having trouble with scheduled backups in v3.2.5 on an M1 Mac mini. I'm running the latest version of Big Sur (v11.2.1).

I'm backing up the Data volume to an external 500GB SSD. I'm backing up an external 6TB hard drive(s) RAID 0 array to an external 6TB hard drive. All of the external drives, the SSD and the spinning disks, are connected via Thunderbolt.

Manual copies work fine but the scheduled copies don't run at all. I thought that maybe the machine was in sleep mode at the appointed time so I scheduled a 'wake' event in Energy Saver pref pane for a few minutes before the scheduled tasks. The tasks still didn't launch.

I noticed the following in the Mac mini's system log:

Feb 19 22:52:04 mac-mini[1] (com.shirtpocket.backupbytime[5750]): Service could not initialize: 20D74: xpcproxy + 23712 [839][75A06642-92A3-341F-9E53-0360AAB45CA0]: 0x1
Feb 19 22:52:04 mac-mini[1] (com.shirtpocket.backupbytime[5750]): Service exited with abnormal code: 78

It seems like this may have something to do with my issue but I don't know what to do with this information. What should I do next in my troubleshooting?

Update: I added SuperDuper!.app to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access. I have not tested a scheduled backup since making this change...yet. - ct

dnanian 02-21-2021 09:31 AM

That's interesting; it should work, since the service is quite simple. If you have further problems, send me an email to support.

ctucker10 02-21-2021 11:31 AM

Everything is working now. I used AppCleaner to uninstall. I also deleted the LaunchAgent for the script. I started from scratch by re-downloading v3.2.5 and double-clicking on the installer.

After allowing full disk access, as one of the steps during installation, I created a scheduled backup and "authorized" it to run automatically. (I don't recall performing the "authorization" step several days ago). Anyway, my scheduled backup ran as intended last night. I'm good to go!

dnanian 02-22-2021 08:23 AM

Glad to hear it.

Smitty51 02-24-2021 04:33 PM

Just a dumb question as I don't fully understand the MacOS boot sequence. I have tried ASR and doing new installs of Big Sur to make the a recovery a little simpler, to no avail. I was trying to keep the SD destination bootable.

Could you make a change to SD 3.2.5 so that when coping from and to Big Sur it would ignore the system volume and just copy the Data volume and then just "hook" the destination Data volume into the already existing system volume on the destination volume so that it would still be bootable. In this way we could make a new bootable Big Sur and SD would just keep it bootable.

Just as a kludge until Apple gives up the keys that they have taken from you.


dnanian 02-24-2021 04:36 PM

No, I can't do that, sorry. You're going to have to wait for an update for further Big Sur support.

Alex 03-02-2021 10:07 AM

Coming from Mojave
Hi Dave,

After reading your latest blog post a few times, I'd be grateful if you could confirm my understanding regarding this sentence:
Select the "Data" volume in the source pop-up, and a **new** APFS backup volume in the destination pop-up, along with "Backup - all files" (or whatever script you want). If you already have a backup volume, you can use Disk Utility to select and delete just the backup System volume, rather than create a new one. After doing this, rename the Data volume to something sensible (remove "- Data"). Note that you may need to repair it with Disk First Aid before it will show up in SuperDuper

I just switched from Mojave to Big Sur today (I skipped Catalina). My backup disks have so far only been used with SuperDuper 3.3.1 on Mojave. They are Mojave APFS FileVault2 encrypted.

==> Am I correct that I can directly now use SuperDuper 3.2.5 on Big Sur with my backup disk, without the need to delete my current encrypted volume and create a new one? (meaning that this need for a new APFS volume is only if a previous backup was done on Big Sur with SuperDuper 3.3.1) ?

==> Also, can you confirm that I can have SuperDuper 3.3.1 and 3.2.5 both installed in my Applications folder, and run the 3.2.5 version without the need to delete 3.3.1?

Thanks for your advice.

Hoping Apple solves its bugs and helps you provide again the capabilities we used to have.

Kind Regards

dnanian 03-02-2021 10:11 AM

You have to delete the system volume if you have a volume group that was previously created. If it's a single volume, and not a volume group, you can copy to it.

Do not retain both versions. Use v3.2.5 with Big Sur until we release an update.

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