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yoxi 08-27-2005 06:06 AM

Preflight script option?
Hello there

I've just begun using SD, and I'm wondering whether you're planning to add any kind of PreFlight scripting option to go with the 'Run Customization Script' option for *after* backup.

I, for example, had a bash backup script that has these lines either side of the actual backup routine (worked in Panther, anyway):

ditto -rsrc /Volumes/<$TargetVolume>/.VolumeIcon.icns /tmp
ditto -rsrc /tmp/.VolumeIcon.icns /Volumes/<$TargetVolume>

because all my volumes have customised icons, and cloning a volume overwrites the target icon with the source one - so if I could put some kind of script in PreFLight to backup my source icon before running the main backup, and then add the 'restore icon' line into the 'disable spotlight on target volume' script, for instance, that would be perfect.

What d'you reckon? I hope the above makes sense.

- yoxi

dnanian 08-27-2005 09:04 AM

We are indeed. In v.2.0 we have pre- and post-copy shell scripts. There are also places to run code before and after a scheduled run.

yoxi 08-27-2005 11:14 AM

Coolio - v2: weeks? months? not saying?

- yoxi

dnanian 08-27-2005 11:23 AM

Not saying, not because we don't want to say, but because these things take as long as they take, and it's pointless for me to give a date if it's not certain.

yoxi 08-28-2005 01:47 AM

Makes sense to me, just wondered. In the meantime there's the redoubtable Finder Icon CMM to get me through the dark before the dawn...

- yoxi

dnanian 08-28-2005 08:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Actually, there's an easier way. I've attached a little script I wrote for another user. Just place the icons you want in the folder you'll see indicated in the script (~/Volume Icons), named "Volume-Name.VolumeIcon.icns".

When this runs as the post-copying script, it'll copy in the right icon.

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