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dnanian 01-03-2003 11:34 AM

Trouble with mouse clicks?
If you're trying netTunes, and you find that when you click in the remote window it's not working, there are two possible reasons:

1. You're trying to run the client and server on the same machine. Attempting to "reflect clicks" on the same machine would cause your computer to lock up, so netTunes disables mouse reflection in this situation.

2. Your client and server machine names are the same (you can check this in the Sharing preference pane). In this case, netTunes thinks your machines are the same, and disables as in (1), above.

So, if you've run into a situation where clicking isn't working, check to see if you fall into one of these categories. If not -- drop me some email. I'm sure we'll be able to get it working.


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