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BudSimrin 12-13-2004 10:33 PM

How to copy Sandbox back to Macintosh HD?
The new manual twice mentions that changes in SuperDuper! make this possible but the details are sparse. Page 19 says to use "Backup - all files" copy script. What do we use for "During copy"? Do we use Smart Update? Given that we have a recent backup and also that all the shared files were created by SuperDuper!, is that all there is to it? Should we then boot from Macintosh HD to verify that everything is OK before our next incremental backup.

dnanian 12-14-2004 10:22 AM

Yep -- I consciously made the details a bit sparse to encourage discussion and contact. Looks like it worked! :)

The key here is to ensure that you haven't "manually" made any kind of alias from the original volume (which I'll call Macintosh HD) to the Sandbox. As long as you haven't done that, you can clone back to the original. Note, though, that this is a pretty advanced operation, and I seriously suggest that you have a current backup of your original drive before you try this.

Use "Backup - all files" and then use Smart Update as the copy type. Then, sure, you can boot again from Macintosh HD to check it out. It should be running the new OS.

If you're in a situation where you've made very few changes, I still advise you to do it the "regular" way -- namely, boot to the original, install the updates, update the Safety Clone, and boot back to it. But this does work, and can be very convenient.

Nunibad 03-31-2007 12:19 AM

Possible file loss in unusual situation

Originally Posted by BudSimrin (Post 625)
The new manual twice mentions that changes in SuperDuper! make this possible but the details are sparse. Page 19 says to use "Backup - all files" copy script. What do we use for "During copy"? Do we use Smart Update? Given that we have a recent backup and also that all the shared files were created by SuperDuper!, is that all there is to it? Should we then boot from Macintosh HD to verify that everything is OK before our next incremental backup.

I've been experimenting with this feature, between disk images (not yet brave enough to try it with whole volumes). It's an excellent program!

One thing I did notice, though, was this: If after you've made the sandbox you change the name of one of the shared directories, either in the original or in the sandbox (so that the names are no longer the same), then 10.4.9 (and I think earlier) systems will maintain the link: that is, your files -within- that directory will still be accessible from the sandbox.

But if you do a smart-restore (as the manual advises), the files and the directory can be deleted. (It's reproducible.)

My -guess- is that SD is trying to decide whether to copy the link/alias/whatever back from the sandbox to the original and, when it detects sharing, will not do so: see the log. This is of course how it should behave.

But when the names no longer match, then it -does- copy the link back over the original :-(

In short, in this (strange) situation, where one has "messed" with the sandbox/original relationship (although perhaps accidentally), the sandbox -looks- ok while you are using it, but after restoring you have lost a directory and all its files.

At that point you must get them from the backup you took before doing the restore ;-)

dnanian 03-31-2007 07:46 AM

This is, indeed, entirely by design (and the manual only advises this for advanced users).

The way this works is that we don't replace a file or folder with a symlink that points to it. If you change the name of the file or folder, the symlink no longer points to it, and there's no way for us to know it's special in any way. Thus, it works just like any Smart Update.

So: don't do this!

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