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nkhester 09-11-2009 07:32 AM

Smart Update & Disk Warrior?
Attempting to "smart update" a backup of 10.6.1 to ED containing 10.6.0 seemed to take an exorbitant amount of time. I also noted in the cited progress statistics that nearly every file read was being replaced!

Could the fact that I had earlier run Disk Warrior on both volumes have caused this near-wholesale replacement of files?

Anyway... after about 10 minutes of slow progress, I stopped the operation. SD was restarted, and I chose erase and backup anew. This worked as expected... and the back up with 10.6.1 boots with no problem.

Was my experience with Smart Update inherent in the new SD, or was it a result of having run Disk Warrior?

dnanian 09-11-2009 07:58 AM

It's possible that Disk Warrior changed some file/folder attributes that caused the files to miscompare: we're aware of about 4GB of 'recopying' that's done, but not "every file"...

nkhester 09-11-2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26834)
It's possible that Disk Warrior changed some file/folder attributes that caused the files to miscompare: we're aware of about 4GB of 'recopying' that's done, but not "every file"...

Well... to be fair, I actually said "nearly every file"! And that may have been a bit of hyperbole. What I noticed is that approximately 80% were being rewritten. However, I stopped the process long before 4GB... so, I don't know if that would have been the extent of it.

Anyway... as long as you're aware that some anomaly exists, I'll wait patiently for any update!

dnanian 09-11-2009 12:02 PM

OK, please let the copy complete and see how much of the data is really copied...

nkhester 09-11-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26840)
OK, please let the copy complete and see how much of the data is really copied...

If that would provide useful information, I'll start a smart update when I go to bed tonight. What data would you like in the morning?

dnanian 09-11-2009 07:37 PM

The whole log, send with the "Send to shirt pocket" button. Use "Error during copy" as the issue type.

nkhester 09-12-2009 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26843)
The whole log, send with the "Send to shirt pocket" button. Use "Error during copy" as the issue type.

When the log is ready to be sent, I'm confronted with this statement:

You can not submit a support request without a valid e-mail address. Please enter your email address in Address Book or create an e-mail account in Mail and try again.

I have no idea what it expects me to do. I have a valid mail account...

dnanian 09-12-2009 08:26 AM

You have Apple Mail configured and you've entered the proper email address in Address Book in your "Me" card?

nkhester 09-12-2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26850)
You have Apple Mail configured and you've entered the proper email address in Address Book in your "Me" card?

I'm not using Apple Mail. I'm using the Mail program in OS X and it is a "gmail" account via my ISP. I see no "Me" card in address book. My name and address are in my address book... and just for good measure, I've just added my name as it appears in this forum: still no luck!

dnanian 09-12-2009 09:01 AM

Apple Mail is the Mail program in OS X. :)

In your address book, check to see that your card in Address Book is set as your Me card (in the Card menu - "Make This My Card").

nkhester 09-12-2009 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26853)
Apple Mail is the Mail program in OS X. :)

In your address book, check to see that your card in Address Book is set as your Me card (in the Card menu - "Make This My Card").

How could I have survived this long without having been confronted before with the "Me Card" thingy?

Anyway... the log has now been sent!

dnanian 09-12-2009 09:34 AM

Great, thanks. Note: we're in the middle of a power failure here and I'm going to have to shut down Shirt Pocket until it's fixed (almost out of UPS)... will be back!

nkhester 10-17-2010 04:02 PM

Ah... A little more than a year has passed, and I had completely forgotten about this thread!

However, I am now at the point where I'd like to use SetUp/Migration Assistant to copy a SuperDuper clone of my current machine to a pristine new iMac.

My question goes back to whether there would be any advantage to running DiskWarrior (or TTP5.0.6) on the SD clone before transfer.

Also... Is there a procedure whereby I can make a SuperDuper clone of the new iMac prior to setup?

dnanian 10-17-2010 04:06 PM

No real advantage I can think of, but it certainly can't hurt anything.

There's no real reason to copy the iMac first, since the DVDs that come with it reinstall everything that comes on it for you...

Cow 12-28-2011 05:39 PM

Smart Updating went south after running Diskwarrior
I ran Diskwarrior on my MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.6.8 - I didn't find any issues, but I replaced the directory anyway.

Right afterwards I attempted to Smart Update a previously made DMG sparse bundle clone of the MacBook Pro and SuperDuper got stuck while attempting to perform the Smart Update.

I've been able to Smart Update the DMG clone without issue until I ran Diskwarrior on the laptop. Come to think of it, I've never run Diskwarrior right before performing a SuperDuper Smart Update before either.

When I tried to stop the process, my Finder crashed and wouldn't restart. Also SuperDuper wouldn't stop and when I quit it it said it would leave the clone in an unknown state. I was finally forced to hold down the power button to shut down the computer.

Lesson learned. I will never run Diskwarrior on my computer right before attempting to Smart Update a SuperDuper clone of it.

I found this thread and figured I would chime in so others become aware of this potential issue. I'm now going to create a new clone since I figure there's a good chance my current clone is damaged.


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