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JoBoy 12-14-2007 07:02 PM

Suggestion for Leopard early adopters
I have been an early adopter of new system software and various applications on both Windows and Mac machines. Frequently, you exchange the thrill and optimistic hope of something new for the hassle of being on the bleeding edge. This time around, my need for reliable computer services exceeded my curiosity. System 10.4.11 is working just fine and I am able to meet my obligations at work without delay. SD! is working flawlessly at night while I sleep.

My suggestion is: If you need reliable function, wait for at least 10.5.2 or higher. That's when you can expect the worst of the bleeding edge to be over. I subscribe to MacFixit and, judging from the tales of woe that they handle, 10.5.1 isn't ready for prime time in shops that depend upon reliable systems and applications for their livelihood. Personally, I'm waiting until Adobe makes their adjustments to 10.5.x and the reviews of those adjustments indicate that those adjustments are working well. That may go well into the new year.

Finally, I suggest that you lighten up on hassling Dave Nanian about the new version of SD!. He had no access to advance copies. Adobe isn't promising Leopard compatibility for Creative Suite 3 Design Standard and Acrobat until late January. Are you bugging Adobe? Dave is the most accessible, honest developer I've ever encountered. Don't drive him into a shell with criticism.

If you can't wait until he gets it right, join me in using 10.4.11. It's the most stable unix-Mac I've ever used. If you want the adventure of early adoption, have the sense to take your lumps. You took the risk. Live with it or go back to where it's safe and stable.

bucky 12-15-2007 03:15 AM

QUOTE=JoBoy;16143]I have been an early adopter of new system software and various applications on both Windows and Mac machines. Frequently, you exchange the thrill and optimistic hope of something new for the hassle of being on the bleeding edge. This time around, my need for reliable computer services exceeded my curiosity. System 10.4.11 is working just fine and I am able to meet my obligations at work without delay. SD! is working flawlessly at night while I sleep.

Well said, I couldn't agree more !!!

Diazruanova 12-15-2007 09:28 PM

very well said!!! :)

brian66 12-16-2007 01:26 AM


My suggestion is: If you need reliable function, wait for at least 10.5.2 or higher. That's when you can expect the worst of the bleeding edge to be over.
2 months after leopard was released is not bleeding edge. I've had leopard for 3 weeks now and it's crashed once. Other than that it's been rocks steady and a much better OS than tiger for me. You're still using tiger, so you're depending on other people's opinions. Your personal opinion on leopard means very little.


Finally, I suggest that you lighten up on hassling Dave Nanian about the new version of SD!. If you want the adventure of early adoption, have the sense to take your lumps. You took the risk. Live with it or go back to where it's safe and stable.
Dave can't handle a few complaints? If Dave doesn't want complaints he can certainly ban them. Yes, I made the decision to upgrade. That doesn't mean i can't ask questions 2 months later about the release of a usable application. And though I haven't until now, it's depressing to constantly see members such as you try to silence different opinions.

I won't be commenting more because I'm rarely here, but thank god the few who aren't marching step by step with the majority have the balls to speak up when others tell them to shut up.

visch1 12-16-2007 03:43 AM

"You're still using tiger, so you're depending on other people's opinions. Your personal opinion on leopard means very little."

Are you saying that many reports of problems is not important in forming an opinion? If so most are of the opinion that playing Russian Roulette with a loaded revolver could be unhealthy, but you’d play anyway?:rolleyes:

Diazruanova 12-16-2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by brian66 (Post 16166)

...I won't be commenting more because I'm rarely here,

at last !!! :D one desperate, ranting guy that shuts up himself, if only the rest would do the same.

2stepbay 12-16-2007 01:24 PM

I've used Leopard for about 3 weeks on a new aluminum iMac and a G4 iBook. It's been quite rock solid for me on both machines. A much better experience than early Tiger versions.

I have not encountered any of the problems MacFixit describes. Printing/wireless etc. work without issue. I am not using Time Machine. Don't see any value in doing so at the moment. So no opinion there.

MacFixit is a forum focusing on User's problems. Information is helpful for alerting to potential problems, but it is not indicative of all User experiences. The best experience is one's own. If you're going to dole out advice about updating to Leopard, try Leopard yourself first rather than referring to "what you read". That would be helpful information.

Regarding the update of SD, I'm glad Dave is taking his time to get it right. Nothing worse than a corrupted bootable backup.

MasterRanger 12-19-2007 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by JoBoy (Post 16143)
He had no access to advance copies.

Apple Developer Connection Membership - 500 bucks. Don't give me the old "didn't know what to expect" line. Not buying it.


Originally Posted by JoBoy (Post 16143)
Are you bugging Adobe?

As a matter of fact, yes. Adobe has even less excuse to be slow to deliver than Shirt Pocket.

dnanian 12-19-2007 09:36 AM

MasterRanger, obviously we had beta builds of Leopard. But we didn't have the final build -- or the ability to do extensive external testing -- until Leopard hit retail.

jofallon 12-19-2007 12:42 PM

DiskWarrior and DriveGenius and the like only seem to work with Leopard if you boot from their CD/DVD. New versions are promised but not ready yet.

After an archive and install, I've had crashes with iCal and AddressBook and twice with Leopard itself; without APE installed or Vmware or anything else. At some point I stopped blaming third-party developers for the problems.

JoBoy 12-19-2007 01:03 PM

If you really want to know what's going on out there, read this, including the comments.

I'm staying with 10.4.11 until the trouble dies down. My livelihood depends on it.

barrysharp 12-23-2007 01:53 AM

I see no harm making enquiries about when SD! will become compatible with Leopard. It a very human thing to want to do - especially if you're running Leopard as many folks are now.

Leopard development was ongoing right up to a week or two before Oct 26. It makes little sense for Shirt-pocket to get into extensive testing of SD! until Apple froze the Leopard GM development. Thus SD!'s late arrival is to be expected. Considering SD! is a backup/restore facility and that many people use it it makes every bit of sense for it to be tested thoroughly. If it takes Shirt-pocket 2 month or 6 months to make it robust and reliable, that's what it takes. We must simply be patient.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.1 and while waiting for SD! for Leopard I'm using Apple's asr for cloning my 10.5.1 boot volume and have /Users on a separate volume and use SD! to clone it as a backup. Not quite the same as simply using SD! all round but it's working for me. I can survive this way for quite a few months and enjoy the Leopard system.

TMay 12-23-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by brian66 (Post 16166)
2 months after leopard was released is not bleeding edge. ... You're still using tiger, so you're depending on other people's opinions. Your personal opinion on leopard means very little.


Just a short observation. Why would you (and apparently 2stepbay as well) ASSUME that because some of us are still using Tiger for our important work product kind of stuff that we aren't also using Leopard on the side, for testing and observation, as many of us (I think it's many, I know many, including myself) have since the early Leopard developer releases? More specifically, my cautious evaluation of Leopard is NOT based solely on my "reading" and "other people's opinions."

And as to whether eight weeks is still "bleeding edge" for a major personal computer OS release is probably a matter of opinion...and based on some 20 + years at this, plus the absolute need for reliability day-to-day in the machines I'm co-responsible for, my opinion is obviously different from yours. Ciao.

(And, sorry, can't resist.....was eight weeks still "bleeding edge," or gee, maybe down by then to "bloody stump," for Windows Vista?)

danielp 12-29-2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by JoBoy (Post 16201)
If you really want to know what's going on out there, read this, including the comments.

I'm staying with 10.4.11 until the trouble dies down. My livelihood depends on it.

Really? You're using that thread, with 50 something comments, as some proof that upgrading to leopard is a mistake? A thread of 50 comments about an OS being used by millions? And I'm guessing that since many of those comments are actually saying that they've had no problem with leopard you're choosing to ignore their opinion and are concentrating on those that claim problems?

I was reading the English version of macworld today at the bookstore and the editor claims that they've had less complaints than they did for the release of tiger. I've had no problems with leopard. Of the many people I know personally who've upgraded there's been a problem here or there, but none so serious they'd go back.

Does that mean no one's having those serious problems? Of course not. You can go to apple support and find users still having problems with tiger. But the way your painting the picture isn't based on reality. Many people who's livelihood depends on their mac have switched. Be chickenlittle if you want, but your grand generalizations on the status of leopard isn't based on any kind of reality.


at last !!! one desperate, ranting guy that shuts up himself, if only the rest would do the same.
Yes, because you're adding so much to the conversation.

vince24inch 12-30-2007 12:24 PM

Let me throw my 2 cents in also, I have been using Leopard since day one and have found it to be rock solid on my 24 inch iMac. To say that it is not as stable as Tiger is foolish and as a couple of posters here have indicated for an individual to comment on Leopard without having any hands on experience using the new OS is crazy.

Keep up the great work Dave and release us a rock solid version of SD for Leopard.

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