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george 03-23-2006 05:09 AM

Multiple sources and ownership

you've suggested before/users have confirmed that multiple source volumes can live/be bootable on multiple partitions on a single target (FW)HD.

what happens to ownership in this case? (OSX all 1039 and above)

my understanding is that the first used target volume takes on the ownership properties of the first-run source, but that subsequent target partitions get the "Ignore privileges on this volume" flag checked automatically by the OS… with SD possibly cloning then to an incorrectly(?) flagged volume. [edit: here source is not the same one used to format/partition the external target HD]

does/can SD remove this flag during initial all-file backups at each different source/target pairing? if not, should it be manually unchecked prior to running SD? does it matter?

similar issue regards Sandbox volumes of course. tks for any insight on this. (sorry, i'm not up on the details of the vsdbutil command in this case)


dnanian 03-23-2006 08:40 AM

We always uncheck "ignore ownership" before copying (you should always have ownership ON under OSX unless you've got a really good reason not to), so it shouldn't be a problem.

george 03-23-2006 04:33 PM


if a backup were done with ownership OFF, but then re-backed up with it ON (unchecked) to correct this issue, presumably the integrity of the source volume would be returned given the nature of SD's script schemes… and a Smart Update should do the trick, or would you suggest some further step(s)?


dnanian 03-23-2006 04:35 PM

You can't use SD! to back up with ownership OFF. We'll turn it on, and if it won't stay on, we'll fail the backup.

george 03-23-2006 04:45 PM


hmm... oK, then i'll have to take a further look into what's going on (backups are fine, but). back later. tks


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