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Peter D 06-04-2006 04:31 PM

Can I keep two different computers in sync?
I have two computers- a big iMac G5 at home and a G4 Powerbook laptop to use when travelling. I want to have exactly the same information on both, so that any changes made on one are mirrored on the other- and I would like the changes to be foolproof (i.e. proof against my foolishness) and as automated as possible. At the moment, I always carry a full back-up on a small hard drive, as I don't always want to bring the laptop home.

Can I use SuperDuper to do this? Neither iSync nor Backup are reliable enough.

I am currently using Sandbox on the home machine, which is an excellent idea but seems to complicate copying files from one machine to another.

dnanian 06-04-2006 04:42 PM

We're really not designed to "synchronize" machines, Peter. While you *could* copy from a Power PC Mac to another and back, I don't think it would necessarily prove "foolproof" because we're always going to let the source machine "win".

Sorry to disappoint!

Peter D 06-04-2006 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
We're really not designed to "synchronize" machines, Peter. While you *could* copy from a Power PC Mac to another and back, I don't think it would necessarily prove "foolproof" because we're always going to let the source machine "win".

Sorry to disappoint!

Isn't that what I want? The source machine should override the slave. Or do you mean something different by "win", when a smart copy is made?

dnanian 06-04-2006 05:29 PM

It depends. If you make a mistake and update a file on the other Mac that you want to keep, you'll lose it.

So, it's not a "sync": it's a total replacement of one Mac's disk with the other Mac's disk. If that's what you want -- then we'll work.

arnaud 06-19-2006 03:27 PM

"sync" PowerPc and Macintel
Hello Dave, hello everyone.

I'm not starting a new thread since I have the same question (almost). :)

I have a brand new black MacBook which is now my main computer at home.
I still have my Powerbook 12" that I still carry to work, because of its size and I don't have a protective sleeve for the MacBook yet.

I would like this Powerbook as "synced" as possible to my MacBook.

I understand that "syncing" per se is not a feature of SuperDuper!
I was considering using Chronosync or other apps, but it appeared to me that a "full sync" between a PowerPC and a Macintel would not necessarily be a good idea, because of the different versions of the Applications (and of the System itself).

So I changed my mind and still consider using SD!

What would you say Dave if I'd do this : connect my Powerbook to my MacBook via firewire and start it in Target Mode.
Launch SD! and choose to BackUp User Files - Smart Update.

Do you think 1° it's a good strategy ? 2° the best one to keep two computers as similar as possible ?

Thank you so much (as always)

dnanian 06-19-2006 03:30 PM

No -- do not do this. It'll delete everything but your User files. Remember: Smart Update is just like erase-then-copy, but faster.

We're not currently designed to do this kind of sync... forcing this particular square peg into the round hole is bound to create unhappiness!

arnaud 06-19-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
No -- do not do this. It'll delete everything but your User files. Remember: Smart Update is just like erase-then-copy, but faster.

We're not currently designed to do this kind of sync... forcing this particular square peg into the round hole is bound to create unhappiness!

Woah ! Glad I asked you first !

I thought it would change only parts of my Home Folder, and won't touch everything else.

So, right now, if I understand you, there isn't any option of SD! usable to keep two computers as "synced" as possible ?

Is there any other app you would advise ?
[EDIT] : any other app that would work hand in hand as "clean as possible" with SD !
I don't want this other app to mess with SD! :)

dnanian 06-19-2006 05:14 PM

Sorry, I'm just not familiar enough with Sync software to be able to make a recommendation. I've used FolderShare, on a limited basis, to keep folders in sync, though, and it has worked fine for me. YMMV, of course.

arnaud 06-20-2006 08:00 AM

Hello again Dave.

I'm pretty sure I understood the first time, but let me rephrase.
Let's forget about "syncing" and let's talk about "backing-up".

There is no way, using SD, to "partially" back-up one computer -let's say the Home folder- to another one ?
Did I get you right the first time ?

Thanks ! (as usual :) )

dnanian 06-20-2006 08:14 AM

Yes, you can do that -- but you need to create a copy script to do it, and must use "Copy Newer" or "Copy Different". Smart Update, as documented and discussed, will make the destination exactly resemble the selections from the source... and that means everything but the selected files will be removed.

arnaud 06-20-2006 08:31 AM

OK !
Got it this time :)

I will create a new script, let's say copy all the Home folder, Copy Newer, to my powerbook in Target Mode.

Thanks Dave !

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