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Pixx 04-25-2005 07:46 PM

Smart Update Deletes Rest of Volume?

Last couple of days (maybe since installing OS X 10.3.9? - I can't be sure) when doing a smart update from my main drive to my mirror drive, SD is copying all of the files changed (as it should) but is also deleting the rest of the mirror volume (eg. everything that hasn't changed on my mirror drive).

So after a smart update, my mirror drive only has Library and users on it (the stuff that's changed on my main drive, presumably) - everything else has been deleted on the mirror drive.

At first I thought my mirror drive had gone - so I erased and zeroed the drive with disk utility, did a full erase and clone with SD, then ran ran TTPro to check the directory - everything fine, and SMART status was Ok also.

Tonight when doing a smart update with SD, the same thing has happened again. At the moment it looks like the only way around this is to do a full bootable clone each time.

Anyone else seeing this?

dnanian 04-25-2005 07:59 PM

I've never heard of this before, either, Pixx. I can't see how Smart Update would do this, actually. It doesn't even match part of the algorithm (and certainly no behavior that's been reported before)!

Are you certain that you're using "Backup - all files" as your script?

Pixx 04-25-2005 08:00 PM

Just looked at the superduper log file, and there's literally zillions of lines of stuff like this - (the SD log file is 27,956,627 in size for the last 2 days = 2 smart updates):

|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/certs/0
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppd/AdobePDF.ppd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppd/AdobePDF7.ppd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_4050_Series_.ppd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppd/Internal_Modem.ppd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppd/Page_Sender.ppd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/client.conf
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.applesaved
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.bak
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.old.psr
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/mime.convs
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/mime.types
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/ppds.dat
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/printers.conf
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/apple.convs
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/printers.conf.O
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/apple.types
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/cups/classes.conf
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/sudo
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/ftpd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/login
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/other
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/passwd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/sshd
|12:12:12 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/private/etc/pam.d/su

So what are all these 'ignored items' ?


dnanian 04-25-2005 08:03 PM

I believe you're using the wrong script. Since those files weren't set to be copied, they're being ignore -- and thus deleted, as they should be... (Smart Update makes your destination match the selected file set from the source. If files aren't selected on the source, it's just like they don't exist -- and they're deleted from the destination if there.)

Pixx 04-25-2005 08:08 PM

I'm just cloning the main drive across to mirror again - it's taking a while - when it's finished I'll do another smart update (being very careful to note what I choose as options) and post again - I've never had this problem before either - and I only have the options that come as standard (no installed scripts).

Pixx 04-25-2005 08:17 PM

Ok. I'm running the smart update again.

The settings are:

- Backup all files

- Smart update mirror from main

Will post back when it's finished.

dnanian 04-25-2005 08:24 PM

OK. That sounds right to me, unless "Backup - all files" is modified (although it won't let you do that, so that shouldn't be the case).

Pixx 04-25-2005 08:30 PM

Ok. It's finished - 4 mins 07 secs - and it copied a fair bit over immediately after I'd just cloned it (and I only have firefox open?).

This time the smart copy has done what it normally does - it's Ok.

There's no other options I could have chosen to make it erase the rest of the mirror volume though, is there?

The main backup choices are:

1. Backup - all files

2. Backup - user files

3. Safety Clone - shared users and applications

4. Safety Clone - shared users

And the Options are:

1. Erase mirror then copy files from main

2. Smart update mirror from main

3. Copy newer files from main to mirror

4. Copy different files from main to mirror

So what could I have chosen (assuming that I did) that would have caused this?

I'm pretty certain I chose the same options as I normally do - as I have this last time. It would be reassuring to know what went wrong :)


dnanian 04-25-2005 08:32 PM

Very strange. Never heard of anything like this before, ever.

If you mail your SuperDuper! log to support (the whole file, don't copy paste -- drag it from ~/Library/Logs/SuperDuper!.log into your email), I'll take a look and see if I can find an explanation.

Pixx 04-25-2005 08:50 PM

Right ... just got console to load the whole of the SD logfile for the smart update that deleted the rest of the mirror volume. It took quite a while to load due to it's size.

Here's the beginning of the logfile. It starts saying it's a 'smart update', then seems to change it's mind ... what follows this segment is a load of 'Ignores' and deletes ...

[***] Monday, April 25, 2005 11:58:06 PM Europe/London
|11:58:06 PM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/SuperDuper/SuperDuper!, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98)
|11:58:06 PM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: Main, device: /dev/disk1s3 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 27.83 GB, used: 22.42 GB, directories: 34894, files: 230236
|11:58:06 PM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/Mirror, name: Mirror, device: /dev/disk0s3 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 25.41 GB, used: 21.60 GB, directories: 34855, files: 230056
|11:58:06 PM|Info| Copy Mode : Smart Update
|11:58:06 PM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - user files.dset
|11:58:06 PM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|11:58:07 PM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|11:58:07 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Repair Permissions on Main
|11:58:07 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Repairing permissions on Main
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Started verify/repair permissions on disk disk1s3 Main
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Determining correct file permissions.
|12:02:37 AM|Info| We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays. New permissions are 16893
|12:02:37 AM|Info| We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./Library/ColorSync/Profiles. New permissions are 16893
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Permissions differ on ./Network, should be drwxr-xr-x , they are -rwxr-xr-x
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Owner and group corrected on ./Network
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Permissions corrected on ./Network
|12:02:37 AM|Info| We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./System/Library/Filesystems/cd9660.fs/cd9660.util. New permissions are 33261
|12:02:37 AM|Info| We are using a special uid for the file or directory ./private/var/at/jobs. New uid is 1
|12:02:37 AM|Info| We are using a special uid for the file or directory ./private/var/at/spool. New uid is 1
|12:02:37 AM|Info| The privileges have been verified or repaired on the selected volume
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Verify/repair finished permissions on disk disk1s3 Main
|12:02:37 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|12:02:37 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Main
|12:02:37 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|12:02:38 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Main
|12:02:38 AM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|12:02:38 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Mirror
|12:02:38 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|12:02:39 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Mirror
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/Mirror' are enabled.
|12:02:39 AM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|12:02:39 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from Main to Mirror
|12:02:39 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning Main to Mirror
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Copying different files with delete using script: /Applications/SuperDuper/SuperDuper! Scripts/Backup - user files.dset
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Loading 3 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper/SuperDuper! Scripts/Backup - user files.dset
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Copy script command COPY supercedes command IGNORE for /Users
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 43 commands
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Ignoring /Cleanup At Startup
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Ignoring /usr
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/usr/X11R6/bin/xwud
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/usr/X11R6/bin/atobm
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftruncate
|12:02:39 AM|Info| Removing ignored item: /Volumes/Mirror/usr/X11R6/bin/beforelight

etc. etc. ...

I'll remove sensitive file info and send you the complete logfile tomorrow - it's 1.26am here now :)


dnanian 04-25-2005 08:58 PM

You don't have to, I can see what's wrong from that. You did "Backup - user files":

|11:58:06 PM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - user files.dset

That's why it deleted things outside the 'user files'...

Pixx 04-26-2005 10:00 AM

Yes, you're right. I chose 'Backup - user files' instead of 'Backup - all files' without seeing a difference between them at the time.

I've been using SD for a while and this is the first time I've made that mistake - tiredness after a long busy day, coupled with the distinction between those two options making less sense to your mind when tired.

Perhaps the text could be made clearer for times like that: 'Backup - volume' and 'Backup - home dir only' maybe?

Thanks for your trouble-shooting :)

dnanian 04-26-2005 10:04 AM

Glad the issue is resolved, Pixx! We'll look into how we can make the various terms clearer in the future... though I'm guessing that when you're that tired, all distinctions are likely lost...

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