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jbursky@optonli 09-20-2006 09:21 AM

Backing Up Multiple Drives
I just started using SuperDuper yesterday. I have a PowerMac G5 with two 150GB drives. I want to back both of the drives with SuperDuper onto my external OneTouch Turbo III. When I did my initial backup yesterday, there was no option that allowed me to backup both drives at the same time. I want to make the backup of Macintosh HD a bootable clone while also maintaining a back up of the second internal drive that is not a sparse image. How would I do this?

dnanian 09-20-2006 11:04 AM

You can't back up both at the exact same time, but you can certainly back them up back-to-back.

If you schedule each drive to be copied at the same time, we'll handle the details of running them one after another.

Hope that helps!

jtinkham 09-25-2006 01:14 PM

A similar situation
Oops, sorry, wrong thread...

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