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norman harris 11-12-2005 08:38 PM

Error Message
I have been SD user for the past year. On my recommendation, a friend just bought a new HD and SD to back up his G4 Mac. However, is unable to complete the back up. He has asked for my help. Here is the log of his attempt. What can you suggest? Thanks in advance.

[***] Saturday, November 12, 2005 02:53:30 AM US/Pacific
|02:53:30 AM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98)
|02:53:30 AM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: System 10, device: /dev/disk0s10 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 22.45 GB, used: 7.31 GB, directories: 48847, files: 185622
|02:53:30 AM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/Back-up Disc, name: Back-up Disc, device: /dev/disk4s10 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 74.40 GB, used: 0.90 GB, directories: 17492, files: 44635
|02:53:30 AM|Info| Copy Mode : Erase, then copy files
|02:53:30 AM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
|02:53:30 AM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|02:53:31 AM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|02:53:31 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Erase Back-up Disc
|02:53:31 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Erasing Back-up Disc
|02:53:54 AM|Info| Allocated 8192K for journal file.
|02:53:54 AM|Info| Journaling has been enabled on /dev/disk4s10
|02:53:54 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Restoring Back-up Disc UUID (E0800D00053DDBA2)
|02:53:54 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|02:53:54 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on System 10
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:53:55 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for System 10
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|02:53:55 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Back-up Disc
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:53:55 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Back-up Disc
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/Back-up Disc' are enabled.
|02:53:55 AM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|02:53:55 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from System 10 to Back-up Disc
|02:53:55 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning System 10 to Back-up Disc
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Copying all files using script: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Loading 19 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:53:55 AM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 147 commands
|03:08:46 AM|Info| WARNING: Caught I/O exception(5): Input/output error
|03:08:47 AM|Info| WARNING: Source: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit, lstat(): 0
|03:08:47 AM|Info| WARNING: Target: /Volumes/Back-up Disc/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit, lstat(): 0
|03:08:47 AM|Info| Logging attributes for item: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit of type: 8
|03:08:47 AM|Info| Type:
|03:08:47 AM|Info| Creator:
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kIsOnDesk: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kColor: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kIsShared: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kHasNoINITs: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kHasBeenInited: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kHasCustomIcon: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kIsStationery: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kNameLocked: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kHasBundle: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kIsInvisible: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| kIsAlias: NO
|03:08:48 AM|Info| Error copying /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit to /Volumes/Back-up Disc/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit of type 8
|03:08:49 AM|Error| SVUclone: Error: Couldn't create
|03:08:49 AM|Error| : Input/output error
|03:08:49 AM|Error| SVUclone: Error copying /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit to /Volumes/Back-up Disc/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit of type 8
|03:08:49 AM|Error| : Input/output error
|03:08:49 AM|Error| ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=1 (Operation not permitted)

dnanian 11-12-2005 09:08 PM

Well, Norman, the problem here is that part of his Pro Apps (Final Cut Pro, etc) framework is damaged, and can't be copied.

Normally, I'd suggest that you try duplicating the file in Finder, which would allow you to see if copying will get around the problem. Unfortunately, since it's in a system folder, it's got special privileges and that makes it hard to copy.

So, that means you have to try using Terminal. The commands to use would be:

cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
sudo ditto -rsrc ProKit.framework ProKit.framework.copy
sudo rm -r ProKit.framework
sudo mv ProKit.framework.copy ProKit.framework

Copy/paste each of those lines separately, pressing return after each if it doesn't happen after the paste. If you're prompted for your password, enter it and press return -- note that it won't be displayed as you type.

If you get any error messages at all, stop the process. If there are no errors, on completion, try the backup again.

norman harris 11-12-2005 09:21 PM

Thanks, Dave. The terminal commands will copy the file, then delete the origninal. Correct?

dnanian 11-12-2005 09:31 PM

That's right -- first, they change to the folder where the file is. Then, the file is copied to a new name. If that succeeds, the original is deleted, and the copy is renamed to the original name.

(Sorry, I should have said exactly what each command did.)

julianbntn 11-12-2005 10:55 PM

Funny, I too have been using SD for some time now and recommended it to a friend who is having a similar problem. Would the fix be the same as Dave suggested before?


[***] Sunday, November 06, 2005 02:08:00 PM US/Pacific
|02:08:00 PM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98)
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: Macintosh HD, device: /dev/disk0s9 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 74.52 GB, used: 38.77 GB, directories: 53249, files: 216026
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/PB Backup, name: PB Backup, device: /dev/disk1s3 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 75.88 GB, used: 31.52 GB, directories: 23258, files: 89048
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Copy Mode : Smart Update
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|02:08:00 PM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|02:08:00 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|02:08:00 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Macintosh HD
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:08:00 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Macintosh HD
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|02:08:00 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on PB Backup
|02:08:00 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:08:01 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for PB Backup
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/PB Backup' are enabled.
|02:08:01 PM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|02:08:01 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from Macintosh HD to PB Backup
|02:08:01 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning Macintosh HD to PB Backup
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Copying different files with delete using script: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Loading 19 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:08:01 PM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 31 commands
|02:09:39 PM|Info| Ignoring /.vol
|02:10:24 PM|Info| Ignoring /Temporary Items
|02:10:24 PM|Info| Ignoring /.Trashes
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/db/volinfo.database
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/db/BootCache.playlist
|02:12:42 PM|Info| WARNING: Caught I/O exception(14): Bad address
|02:12:42 PM|Info| WARNING: Source: /private/var/log/cups/access_log, lstat(): 0
|02:12:42 PM|Info| WARNING: Target: /Volumes/PB Backup/private/var/log/cups/access_log, lstat(): 0
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Logging attributes for item: /private/var/log/cups/access_log of type: 8
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Type:
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Creator:
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kIsOnDesk: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kColor: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kIsShared: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kHasNoINITs: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kHasBeenInited: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kHasCustomIcon: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kIsStationery: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kNameLocked: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kHasBundle: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kIsInvisible: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| kIsAlias: NO
|02:12:42 PM|Info| Error copying /private/var/log/cups/access_log to /Volumes/PB Backup/private/var/log/cups/access_log of type 8
|02:12:42 PM|Error| SVUclone: Error: Couldn't create
|02:12:42 PM|Error| : Bad address
|02:12:42 PM|Error| SVUclone: Error copying /private/var/log/cups/access_log to /Volumes/PB Backup/private/var/log/cups/access_log of type 8
|02:12:42 PM|Error| : Bad address
|02:12:42 PM|Error| ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=1 (Operation not permitted)

dnanian 11-12-2005 11:10 PM

It's not clear, in this case, whether the problem is with the source or destination volumes. Use the "Console" application to view the System log. In there, look for the I/O exception listed at 2:12pm or so.

There, it should indicate what "device" is causing the problem -- it'll look something like "disk0s9". Once you see the failing device, check the list of drives in System Profiler to see whether it's the source (disk0s9) or destination (disk1s3).

If the source, I'd use Terminal to delete the logfile listed. To do so, you'd use:

cd /private/var/log/cups
sudo rm access_log

If the destination, I'd try to erase and zero the drive with Disk Utility, and then copy again.

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