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edoates 12-03-2005 01:18 PM

SD 2.0.1 changed saved settings file names
Just a note to other users who might be using scripts to run SuperDuper! (the scripts I use are included below for reference and for your use if you like them).

My scripts use the following to launch SuperDuper! and load a particular backup saved setting:

tell application "Finder"
open document file "Backup Music.sdsp" of folder "Saved Settings" of folder "SuperDuper!" of folder "Application Support" of folder "Library" of folder "edoates" of folder "Users" of startup disk
end tell

Version 1.x on SD had the file extension name of ".sds". With V2.0.1, that name has changed to ".sdsp".

I don't use SD scheduling because I have everything set up for Cronnix scheuduling already, and I dismount my sparse image volume and compact it after SD had finished running.

PS: my complete SD backup applescript:

tell application "Finder"
open document file "Backup Music.sdsp" of folder "Saved Settings" of folder "SuperDuper!" of folder "Application Support" of folder "Library" of folder "edoates" of folder "Users" of startup disk
end tell
tell application "SuperDuper!"
--Wait until SuperDuper! is idle before loading and running the desired session
repeat while status is not idle
--Sleep # seconds is the best way to "wait" without using the CPU
tell application "System Events" to do shell script "sleep 5"
end repeat
if status is idle then
--Specify the saved settings as either an absolute path or just the name
run using settings "Backup Music" without user interaction
end if
--Wait until the session is done
repeat while status is running
--Sleep # seconds is the best way to "wait" without using the CPU
tell application "System Events" to do shell script "sleep 5"
end repeat
on error errMsg
display dialog errMsg & " See section 12 of the User's Guide for help with this script."
end try
--Once done, tell SuperDuper! to quit
end tell
-- Tell Finder to eject the backup set
tell application "Finder"
eject disk "Music Backups"
end tell
display dialog "Awaiting dismount of Music Backups" buttons {"OK"} giving up after 5 default button 1
-- compact the sparse image to prevent unregulated growth
do shell script "hdiutil compact " & "\"/Volumes/Eds Office Backups/Music Backups.sparseimage\""
display dialog "Music Backup Complete" buttons {"OK"} giving up after 30 default button 1

dnanian 12-03-2005 02:36 PM

A couple of things, Ed --

You might want to give the new "base" script a look (you'll find it in the settings package of a scheduled script, as "Copy Job.applescript" -- or attached to another message on the forums). I've significantly improved the way things work since the 1.x baseline Daily Backup script.

Also, the new "Disk Image" handling in SD! will automatically mount and unmount sparse images for you... and you can use the "After copy" shell script (in Advanced options) to do the compact, should you wish.

Hope that's of interest!

edoates 12-03-2005 03:05 PM

Thanks; I saw that when I downloaded the new users' guide, and when I have some time (always in short supply), I'll check that out; the new sparse image handling looks especially good, since it essentially reduces my scripts to starting the correct settings and then doing the compacting at the end.


PS: I just looked around and don't find that I need to create a copy job with "schedule" to get a copy job applescript. It looks pretty easy to modify. Am I correct in reading it that all I really need to do for each of my various copy jobs (one for my system, one for my music) is to go into SD and
1. load the settings I want to use
2. "schedule" with that all set up
3. Go into the "package" copy job.applescript thus created and edit to add my after completion hdiutil compact commands?

It seems that I'd need to save this modified copy job.applescript for whenever I decided to change the schedule, etc. Is there a way I don't see in the "schedule" option or elsewhere to allow me to point to the copy job script I want it to use, or do I just modify it each time?

dnanian 12-03-2005 03:34 PM

That's all you need. As long as you don't delete the scheduled job, we'll retain your personalized copy and compile it for you each time you change your times. So, you need only make the change once, in the *script* there in the package.

But, you can do it with an "After copy" shellscript, too. It's up to you.

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