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Old 11-18-2007, 03:27 PM
eq2675 eq2675 is offline
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Originally Posted by mikej View Post
To those who are waiting for Leopard to get the little bugs worked out, and for SuperDuper to be Leopard friendly, I say: that is fine! But, my earlier point is that for those of us enjoying Leopard already, there is simply no need to go w/o proper backups. By suggesting CCC, I was endorsing that program from years of usage... never with any problems. I like the SuperDuper GUI better, but, hey... both really end up doing the same thing. So, if you are using Leopard, and want a good clone backup (bootable), do not take a chance, and use some other method to make your back ups. I would not trust my valuable data to a no back up scenario... waiting for SuperDuper is fine, but be wise and use an alternative for the time being.
I was doing some testing with my Mac Mini and a FW400 drive. I was warned on another board that I was putting my OS at risk. Well that's OK because it's just a test system. Well I did accidently blow my OS away.

Then it took the usual amount of time to reinstall Leopard. More of a time consuming hassle than I remembered. Man, I wished i had of had a backup.

I'm using CCC now and it does work. I want my SuperDuper, but TimeMachine just doesn't cut it.

Thanks for posting an alternative.
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