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Old 03-31-2008, 12:28 PM
Belia Belia is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 6
No, I don't think that the system on the clone changes by restoring it.

The clone was originally from the main machine. I just worked on a few files on the clone with my macBook. Ofcourse that shouldn't touch anything in the system on the clone.

So the clone is still the same as it was on the main machine, just a few (html, doc, pdf, psd) files are edited.

Then I need to copy the sytem of the clone to the main machine grace to my not so genius action.

And then my main machine has the same problem as the MacBook!!!! Which problem is already so rare nobody seems to be able to help me out. It is a one-year old MacBookPro. Too bad to just throw it away...

Don't you think it is far too coincidental the main machine has developed the same problem all by itself right after I copied the sytem from the clone on which I just have been working with the sick MacBook.There MUST be clue. SuperDuper is the one thing that binds the two together....

Besides that, the restarts on my MacBook started again (after formatting) after installing SuperDuper! But that is far too much I think, suppose that ís coincidental...

Last edited by Belia; 03-31-2008 at 12:32 PM.
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