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Old 09-19-2008, 04:36 PM
Chrlz Chrlz is offline
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Posts: 7
Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
Hello Charlz,

I am in a similar situation like you. I am a photographer and need backups of my pictures.

1. I would get a bigger internal HD. An Imac can not hold another internal HD. When you set up your scratch disk in photoshop preferences - which is just temporary storage for Phtoshop when it needs additional space while working - use your internal HD. You can use an external one, but it will be slower. If you want more details on this check in the Adobe forum. The best would be to have a second internal HD for a scratch disk, this would be the fastest solution
2. It is not necessary to create a partition for the scratch disk on the internal HD
3. I would create 2 partitions on your external drive
- Partition 1: Use it as a bootable backup and have a file there with "pictures you are working on"
- Partition 2: Use this partition for pictures that are finalized. In other words pictures you want to archive.
4. check if it is necessary to format the external HD as "GUID" - otherwise it will not be bootable on certain Imacs.

Thanks Sigi for your response! Now that I think I have 'scratch disc' understood, I have PS already using 70% free space on the internal drive. I have the LaCie partitioned equally and will attempt getting a bootable system on one using Super Duper. After testing that I can indeed boot with it I'll continue with moving the pics as you suggested. I'll need to do some reading to find out what is meant by GUID format...and if I need to do that. I don't want to begin the transfer process until I'm clear on the procedure.
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