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Old 12-17-2009, 07:11 AM
MacWorksLLC MacWorksLLC is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 8
Migration Or Clone Path Suggestion

Looking for some solid advice to move my startup volume and USer folder to a new drive.

I have a newer unibody MBPro with an express card slot. I have moved my System Folder & Apps to a 40GB SSD express card and that is what I use to boot.
My user folder is on the internal SATA drive of the MBPro.

I have just purchased an Intel X25-M and would like to my the System and Apps from the express card along with the User Folder from the Internal SATA to this new drive.

What is the most seamless way to this using either Migration Utility, Super Duper or both.

Many thanks
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