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Old 07-27-2010, 06:07 PM
Keebler Keebler is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 6
2 volumes on 1 external hard drive

Hi Folks,

I'm using SD to back up 2 different hard drives.
I created one onto the passport drive, then created a folder and dropped the files into it.

I looked at the FAQ thread which talked about using the 'copy different files' from macintosh HD to Passport".

It details how "any selected files already on My Passport that are different then the same file on the macintosh HD will be replaced".

I understand that concept, but my question is:

does SD scan the entire Passport hard drive for similar files or will it just see the 1 folder (which contains the other backup) and then ignore it b/c that file folder's name is different and it's only 1 folder? ie. can older files be safe inside a folder is what I'm getting at I guess

Any help would be fantastic.

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