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Old 11-30-2005, 12:31 AM
prot prot is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 18
"archive-and-install" in the OS X sense and not a function of SD! correct ?

The "clean" image is an old windows habit I have, using powerquests Drive Image, I'll try and shake it.

Truth be known, the Sanbox scares me, and that is because of my lack of understanding.

But, if I understand what I have read, in my case (lack of bootable firewire drive), I would create a partition on my actual Power Book, and after going through the copy process, I would select the Sandbox as my Startup Volume?

Completely off the subject of SD! but do you know of an application that compares & lists directory contents and gives a nice side by side comparison?

I can get by with diff at the comand line for smaller directories but the big ones turn my brain to tapioca.

All these questions make me feel guilty, I'll have to buy some more SD! licenses for christmas presents or something.
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