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Old 04-11-2006, 05:51 PM
drlotto drlotto is offline
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Originally Posted by DrDan in MA
Tnx for the pointer to the location of the last successful logfile. I look forward to the results of your thinking on how to somehow consolidate the world of LogFiles.

I just got off the phone with AppleCare -- they had me uncheck the OSX 10.4.5 Energy Saver option "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" -- these boxes had been checked on both of my computers.

Of course, the Mini had been doing its scheduled backup regularly, and the Pb hadn't; and now both of them are set "NOT to put their hard disk(s) to sleep." So I'm not entirely certain this is the fix for the PB.

The AppleCare rep put it well -- "so what you want is to be able to wake your Mac PowerBook up not from just sleep, but from deep sleep." Apparently the latter is when the disks are asleep as well. And the proposed fix is not to allow the disks to sleep -- which is fine by me, since all this is in "Settings for Power Adapter" anyhow.

More data on SD! performance by tomorrow. I promise to let enough time elapse before 0329 or 0330 to let any "deep sleep" set in; but I think that "deep sleep" is a thing of the past.
Wish I had seen this thread sooner, hopefully you're still out there. I've had the same problem as you (with less determination to figure it out). I've got a Mini set to wake at 1:14 A with SD to "Erase and Back-up" to a FW ExtHD starting at 1:15 A. When I wake at ~8:30 A (I'm a bum) and manually wake my Mini at ~8:32 A, I see SD open and counting down to start backing up. I'm pretty sure SD doesn't have a 8 h 15 min countdown. I've rest the Power Managing Unit a couple of time to no avail.
The most I can add to this thread (despite empathy) is that I downloaded and installed DssW Sleepmonitor to track this behaviour. I highly recommend it. I've only had one back up session that has recorded and it shows the system waking at the appropriate time and shows the mini prepares to sleep 3 min 18 sec later. Interestingly, after 30 sec it logs that it cannot sleep. This "prepared-cannot wake" cycle repeated every 3-5 min until the computer finally went to sleep 7 h 39 m 1 s later. Unfortunately, I thought because of the "prepared-cannot wake" cycling that the back-up worked and did not pay attention to what happened when I manually woke it. After going back to the back-up files I realized they weren't updated. I have the mini set to back up 2x a week Sun and Wed so tomorrow I'll pay more attention and will try to report if anyone is interested. My current hypothesis: Since I have the hardrives set to sleep when possible, I think my internal HD starts but my external HD doesn't. SD may be waiting for the External to start. If that is the problem, I'm not sure how to fix it as I do not want the drives spinning all the time.

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