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Old 05-31-2006, 05:13 PM
mypointofview mypointofview is offline
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Posts: 41
How to set icon on target disk

I got it to work

My goal was to not have a folder called "Volume icons" on the top level of my home folder. Also I did not want to have that "Developer" folder with 70MB of stuff on the root level of my drive.

Here's what I did:

1. From the Tiger install CD I installed the so-called "Developer Tools". It is not necessary to install that huge XCode package. The Developer Tools install "only" about 70 MB.

2. Once installed, I navigated to /Developer/Tools/SetFile. I put this piece called "SetFile" (looks like a dark brown Unix deamon) into my own directory (the tilde ~ stands for my user name): ~/Library/SuperDuper!/DeveloperTool/. I had to create the folder "SuperDuper!" inside my Library and in there I created the folder "DeveloperTool" (write without space!) where I then put the "SetFile" piece. Attention: "SetFile" must live in a folder without spaces in its name! In other words, from the whole Developer Tools installation you only need that one little piece called "SetFile".

3. I then created the folder ~/Library/SuperDuper!/Shell script/. Into that folder I copied the script "set_icon" which Dave posted in this thread.

4. I created the folder ~/Library/SuperDuper!/Volume icones/. Into that folder I exported from Pixadex some nice icons as ICNS. I don't know how to do it without Pixadex, but if you're into icons you probably have that app. The icon must have the name of the backup target volume in it's name. Like so: xxxxxxx.VolumeIcon.icns (xxxxxxx must be replaced with the actual name of your target volume which you choose as "to" volume in SuperDuper!)

5. Now the customization of the shell script "set_icon". I changed the file path in Dave's code in three places. One file path is now correctly pointing to the "SetFile" piece in MY folder structure. Note that I placed "$HOME" in front of the file path so that it can be found in MY Library folder. The other two file paths are also now correctly pointing to my icons. Here's the adapted code. So if you can't find Dave's script, just copy and paste the code below into a text editor and save it with the name set_icon.

PHP Code:
echo "Restoring icon for $3..."

if [ -e $HOME"/Library/SuperDuper!/Volume Icons/$3.VolumeIcon.icns" ]; then
 cp $HOME
"/Library/SuperDuper!/Volume Icons/$3.VolumeIcon.icns" "$4/.VolumeIcon.icns"
$HOME/Library/SuperDuper!/DeveloperTool/SetFile -a C "$4"

6. Now setting up SuperDuper!. I clicked Options and then Advanced. I checked the last box "Run shell script..." Then click on "Choose". I navigated to ~/Library/SuperDuper!/Shell script/set_icon

I could now trash the whole Developer folder on the root of my drive - I think. Because the most important piece ("SetFile") is now in my own structure. I still have that Developer folder on my drive as I'm writing this, so I don't know if that folder is really needed or not. But before I'd trash it I'd make a copy...

That's it !

Last edited by mypointofview; 05-31-2006 at 05:15 PM.
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