Thread: Odd behaviour?
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Old 12-14-2006, 09:31 PM
xUKHCx xUKHCx is offline
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Odd behaviour?

I had a backup of my entire computer on my external. I erased the external and partitioned it with Disk Utility. I run SuperDuper to make a new clone of my internal to a partition on the external. After 15 minutes of SuperDuper it reports that it has finished copying 200GB worth of data. Naturally i think that the program is wrongly reporting the situation. So i look at the contents of the external and it is all there.

So can SuperDuper find deleted files on the external because no way did it copy that data over in 15 minutes (USB2). Usually if i run it without changing anything it normally takes 9 minutes just to check. So in 6 minutes it copied 200 GB of data. I think that it saw the data on the drive, made it visible to Finder and copied some information that is now under the second partition. Which is cool because i thought i would have to leave it overnight to copy but also weird. Im doing to boot from it now so see you on the other side.
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