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Old 05-06-2008, 01:44 AM
jjj jjj is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 12
Still getting the AppleScript syntax error, after resetting LaunchServices DB w/Onyx

... and pulling these "do shell script" lines back out of "Copy Job.applescript" eliminates the syntax error dialog when I try to schedule the backup. So what am I doing wrong:

on beforeRunningCopy()
	-- Put your own code here that should execute just before running the copy.
	do shell script "diskutil mount /dev/disk1s3 /Volumes/Biggus\ Discus"
end beforeRunningCopy

on afterRunningCopy()
	-- Put your own code here that should execute just after running a successful copy.
	do shell script "diskutil unmount /Volumes/Biggus\ Discus"
end afterRunningCopy
I need to mount/unmount because this backup script is writing to a sparseimage on an external drive that should stay unmounted day-to-day. My other backup writes directly to a separate partition on this drive for a mirror backup, and I know SD handles the mounting/unmounting in that case automatically.

If I must, I suppose I can do it outside of SD. But it seems like the kind of thing I ought to be able to do here or somewhere inside the app. (Alas, trying to use the "Run shell script before copy starts" checkbox option doesn't mount the drive in time for SD to notice it I guess.)
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