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Old 01-06-2009, 02:05 AM
wmldwilly wmldwilly is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2
Somehow I figured it would be something like that. Of all the various hard disks easily available to me when this was going down, the only one with enough free space was formatted for win/mac dual use. Figures that the one with enough space is the one that would screw up any significant amount of stuff beyond a smaller space limit.

I'll dig up the log for you when I get a minute nearer the weekend.

Suggestion for future versions (and for people like me who "know how things work" and don't read manuals):

Modal Dialog:
"Your destination is formatted Fat32 and your source appears to exceed 4gb for your copy. For technical reasons this is not recommended. Are you sure you want to proceed with the copy?" <proceed> <go back>

Alternate Modal Dialog:
"Your destination is formatted Fat32 and you have specified a sparse image for your copy. If you plan on growing this image thru future copies beyond 4gb total, this is not recommended. Are you sure you want to proceed with this copy?" <proceed> <go back>

Just a thought. Now, on to starting the process of ripping and playlisting eleventy-jillion CDs *again*. Anybody know of a good script to automatically make playlists with artist/album titles upon import?

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