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Old 02-06-2008, 03:19 PM
greengrass greengrass is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 24
Unfortunately, given the way TimeMachine works, every disk, regardless of size will eventually fill up. It seems to me that the only way to guarantee space for a SuperDuper clone on a TM disk is to partition the disk to guarantee enough space is reserved. I know you added the feature of having an SD clone and TM backups co-reside on a single disk to make life easier for the non-technical user, but you may have created a larger downstream problem. To ensure space for a maxed out source disk after TM has claimed "too much" space on the backup disk will require the user to manually delete selected TM snapshots. (I believe that is possible but I'm not certain it is.) For a non technical person that is scarier and more difficult than partitioning in the first place. Assuming your users read manuals and FAQs you may want to make note of the issues involved when you update the manual and the FAQs.
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