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Old 08-17-2006, 04:00 PM
guruuno guruuno is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 10
SuperDuper! rate TOPS!!!

Over the last week or so, I have been unsuccessful in being able to move my OS X to a larger drive.

I've bought your software, tried just about every tool and app out there, read all the forums to the best of my ability, stayed up until 3-4 AM many days, tried things a bazillion different ways, and so forth. Sheesh, I even went without sex for a whole week! Not that tells you how much I am serious about finding a solution.

Let me say first, I appreciae all the assistance given here. Without it, my progress would have been dead.

I gave up.

I reinstalled, did a Migration, done.

What a pain in the butt!!

Searching for the total complete answer to the backup/cloning issue, I stumbled across this article.

The State of Backup and Cloning Tools under Mac OS X

Bottom line in my opinion afer reading this: There is no solution that works 100% of the time, LIKE IT DOES ON A PC, so we must all wait for that solution, and until then, this OS may be only for the real techie, as the 'average' consumer, needs a backup process that "works", in addition to the Corporate client.

So, is OS X ready for prime time?

Maybe, but things need to be made available for it to be a 100% competitor.....and I haven't even begun to look at the other things that do or do not work, are easy or hard, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it all, and am a certified OS X convert, but things just gotta get better to be the #1 OS to come in the future.
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