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Old 11-30-2007, 05:04 AM
steveb steveb is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 14
Naming the clone drive

Hi, before I started using SD!, whist I was researching it, I read in quite a few places that for best results the HDD onto which the clone is being copied should have exactly the same name as the drive your cloning, ie. Macintosh HD. For the last 8 months of using SD! I've done this and the few times I've needed to use the clone to restore my HDD it's worked fine.

My question is, is this true however? Do the two drives need to have the same name?

I ask because I'm about to make a third clone, meaning I'll have 2 external HDD's on the desktop called Macintosh HD plus the internal HDD of the same name. All a bit confusing when hungover!

So, can I name the externals according to what's on them, like archive Backup, main backup etc, or am I best to stick to the same names (and not attempt recovery when hungover!) ?

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