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Old 07-09-2008, 02:42 PM is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 14
Doh. BOM

A minute after giving up, it occurred to me to search the BBEdit lists, where I found the answer. Here is a diagnosis of the problem, my stab at an explanation, and the solution.

I had saved the file with the script encoded as UTF. That means the file had a BOM (Byte Order Mark). Whatever a BOM is, it comes before the #! (I surmise), meaning that the file won't be read as a binary file (I surmise). cat (I surmise) copied that mark so that didn't work either.

Saving the file with a different encoding, UTF without the BOM, solves the problem. My share on the server gracefully disappears after SD is does its thing.
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